Thursday, November 4, 2010


ARIES: MAR. 21 to APR. 20:
For Aries this will be a month of smooth sailing within appropriate limits. There will still be a strong need for caution and self-restraint. If you can be patient you will attract good fortune. The danger is that you will spend too much on the things that you want. Curb the impulse buying and try to stay within your budget!
The New Moon of Nov.5th will be a relatively uneventful one for Aries. Avoid the schemes of others! The Full Moon of Nov. 21st will be a positive one. Try to be of service and help someone!
Special Focus:
If your birthday is between April 1 and 5 then this will be a month when you run into setbacks and limitations. Try to stay calm. There is a need for you to consider retraining. Authority figures will not give you an easy time. Don’t force issues. Take the hit and wait. If you respond too fast, you will make matters worse.

TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21
This month will be much easier than last month. Mars has moved on and you have calmed down. Direct adversity has lifted and new opportunities are rising. During the first week of the month you will be inclined to talk too much or say something that would be better off left unsaid. Keep your thoughts to your self for the first week and good things will begin to come without asking.
The New Moon of Nov.5th will be a difficult one where you will attract deception and dishonesty. Silence is golden! The Full Moon of Nov. 21 st will bring mixed feelings to the surface. You will still be rather gullible!
Special Focus:
If you were born on May 16 or 17 then this is a time of confusion. You will not be seeing clearly and could be taken advantage of. The challenge here is to maintain self reliance and honesty. It would be better to be of service to others for nothing, than to be trying to hussle up money! Avoid big schemes, and intoxicants!

GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:
One step forward, five steps back! This is a month for Geminis to regroup and recharge. Stress levels will run high and disruptions are likely. Work on keeping well rested and being courteous. Don’t make promises! Drive carefully as you will be inclined to attract speeding and parking tickets. Mechanical problems are likely. Give yourself extra time to get places and be prepared to make adjustments. Don’t force issues!
The New Moon of Nov.5th will be an uneventful one. Still you must try to mind your own business and curb the comments! The Full Moon of Nov. 21 st will likely find you scattered and running in ten directions at once. Excessive force will cause excessive disruptions.
Special Focus:
Those of you born between June 13 and 18 will be walking on thin ice all month. Too much is happening too quickly. So many opportunities and so little time or capacity to take advantage of them. You are likely to be misunderstood and over-react to other. Try to stay aloof and calm. Don’t make investment decisions this month!

The first week of November will highlight good communications for most Cancers. You will be inclined to talk a lot and spend excessively. Some reserve will be required of you to live within your budget. Overindulgence will surface during the last half of the month. It will take some effort to keep your weight steady.
The New Moon of Nov.5th will be a positive one. You will be able to use charm to your advantage. The Full Moon of Nov. 21 st will be a positive one. Don’t get pulled into the intrigues of others
Special Focus:
Those Cancers born between July 2 and 7 will feel that the pressure is on. This is a time for hard work and serious efforts. Usually one will feel a lack of something and then develop a plan to get it. This will require discipline and hard word.

LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:
November will start off with arguments and irritations, but will quickly become positive and smooth flowing. In essence, take care of what you have to early. Get the chores done quickly and most of the month be positive. You also need to be very honest. If you twist the truth it will cost you and the people around you!
The New Moon of Nov.5th will be a stressful and difficult one. Silence is golden. Avoid gossip and big schemes. The Full Moon of Nov. 21 st will be a stressful one for you. You will be vulnerable to deception from without and within!
Special Focus:
If you were born between August 17 and 23 then this will a month of mixed signals and confusing directions. You seem to be driving impaired and lack the discrimination to keep things simple and self-reliant. You need to make an effort to keep things simple. Don’t make promises or big investments, especially during the first two thirds of the month.

VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23:
November will start out on a positive note with communications highlights, but as the month develops you will get more and more impatient and easily irritated. Anger management is your theme for this month. Keeping well rested is the cure. Drive carefully and give yourself extra time to get places. This is an accident prone time.
The New Moon of Nov.5th will be a positive one. With a little effort you will be very productive. The Full Moon of November 21 will also be a positive one, although you will have to make an effort to avoid arguments.
Special Focus:
Those of you born between September 17 and 22 will be scrambling and dealing with rapid changes. You could easily be let down by someone or encounter misunderstandings. If you over react or cast blame you will only make matters worse. The theme for you this month is to move out of the way and let go!

LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:
This month could be summed up for Librans as appreciation within limits! Spontaneous initiatives will succeed and attract rewards. There is no need to force things this month. You will be able to just follow your visions. It is amazing what a little bit of good will and positive action can achieve. You will be popular in the eyes of the opposite sex.
The New Moon of Nov.5th will be an uneventful one for Libras. This is a positive lunation where personal actions will get the response wanted. The Full Moon of Nov. 21 st will also be a positive lunation. Communications will be positively highlighted.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Sep. 26 and 27 then these will be days of confrontation and disenchantment. The challenge is to keep your energy clear and positive. Your pressure level will be high and your tolerance low. Do not surrender to the dark side of the force or it will be very difficult to return. You are doing an audit of your life and may not be happy about it. The main rule to follow is “Be True!”.

SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:
Your energy level will be good but less than last month. Progress has been made. Go with it. This is a month of following through. Do not be sidetracked into unreliable associations or ventures. The first week of the month will be your best. If you have something to say, say it then! Be wary of people who talk too much!
The New Moon of Nov.5th will be will be the most sensitive and powerful one of the year. The Full Moon of Nov. 21 st will be a special seed moment (day) when new impressions can reveal themselves. Trust your feelings more than words.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Nov. 16 and 20 there will be much excitement and much confusion. You are supposed to go with the excitement and minimize the confusion. New horizons are opening. Align with the excitement but don’t try to explain or make promises.

The Force will be with you this month Sagittarians. It will show in the feet and in the jaw! There will be lots of social exciting moments but nothing that you should hold onto. Enjoy and let go! You will be quick witted and impatient. If there is something that you want to do or say… do it or say it this month. If you snooze you will lose!
The New Moon of Nov.5th will be an insignificant one for Sagittarians. Your initiatives will attract appreciation and gain momentum.. The Full Moon of Nov. 21 st will be an insignificant one but there will be power in your words.
Special Focus:
Those Sagittarians born between December 15 and 20 with have many opportunities come t heir way this month,…… really too many! Too many options can cause more trouble than too few. Reaching out in one or two ways would be better for you than reaching out for everything. Be prepared for a fast turn over! Let go of the past! Laugh, you deserve it!

CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:
Finish things that need to be finished. Don’t let them accumulate. If you can get these things finished it will clear your mind and make it more receptive to new ideas. Actions follow thoughts. It is worth clearing away the old. Recharge your energies but don’t try to do everything this month. A bigger surge of energy will come next month!
The New Moon of Nov.5th will be a positive one. Feelings will be more trust worthy than thoughts. The Full Moon of Nov. 21 st will also be a positive one. Avoid the complicated schemes of others.
Special Focus:
Those of you born between Jan. 1 and 5 will find that time demands are increasing. You need to work hard this month. At the same time you are trying to cut back or adjust your goals. One step back can lead to many steps forward!

AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:
For the first week of November, don’t argue with anyone. If an argument comes up, keep quiet and move away. Your energy level will be great this month. Quick witted and agile, you will be ready to get things done and still have room for fun. If something is going to be a big hassle, then it is probably not worth doing.
The New Moon of Nov.5th will be a stressful one. Don’t trust your instincts. Keep busy. The Full Moon of Nov. 21 st will also be stressful. Follow your ideas rather than your feelings. Stay active.
Special Focus:
For those of you born between Feb. 13 and 15, this will be a most romantic and idealistic month. This is the right time for a vision quest. You can see clearly now, the rain has gone! It is time to start acting on what you believe. Good energies prevail, make the most of them.

PISCES: FEB. 19 to MAR. 20:
This will be an irritable and argumentative month for most Pisces. Nothing will come without stress. A lot can be accomplished if you just work hard, but you will have little patience for any form of delay or interference. This will be an accident prone time, so if you are wise, you will not force issues or complain! Give yourself extra time to get places. Keep well rested!
The New Moon of Nov.5th will be a positive one. Trust your instincts and watch your temper! The Full Moon of Nov. 21 st will also be positive. Instincts will be in high gear, but mental and physical temperament will not. Keep your thoughts to yourself.
Special Focus:
If you were born between March 13 and 20 then the period of excitement and opportunity will continue. Good luck is watching over you. Reach out for new opportunities but do not force issues as that would work against you. Be patient. Take your time. Have faith! If something is really yours, it will come without force!

Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at or phone (905) 841-8565, or visit the website at

Every month 3 lucky winners will be chosen from Robin’s email list. The prize this month is a thirty page interpretation of your horoscope. For a chance to win send an email to Robin. Once you are on the list you will be eligible win every month.