Saturday, February 26, 2011

CHANTING HARI OM Newsletter, March 2011

Hari Om,

Please pass this on to anyone you think is interested. If you receive this newsletter from a friend and want to be on this mailing list, just email in your request.

The exact New Moon occurs on Wednesday, March 4, at 3:47 PM (EST), (March 5, at 2:27 AM in Gujarat) in the I Ching hexagram “The Clinging, Fire”. Included below are the relevant interpretation segments of the hexagram from my ebook The I Ching: The Sequence of Change, An Astrological Perspective. (Can be ordered online at

The I Ching hexagram that the New Moon is happening in is:
(The graphics accompanying this newsletter can be seen on line at or )



Zodiac: 12° - 18° Pisces
Calendar: Northern Hemisphere: Mar 3 to Mar 8 approx
Southern Hemisphere: Sep 4 to Sep 10 approx
House 1: 72° - 78° rising from IC
Time of day: 04:48 to 05:12 AM (Local Mean Time or Sun Dial time)
Aspect: 72° - 78° Waxing (Quintile Separating)
Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent Moon Phase (45° - 90°)
(3 ½ to 7 days after the New Moon).


Fire above, fire below.
Clarity without and clarity within.
The cornerstone of one’s insights will be apparent.
Ones dependencies are obvious.
One can be blinded by one’s own light.
Maker sure that you have considered the implications.
Before you act or speak, practice what you preach!

A large fire.
No time to relax.
This cannot endure forever.
With clarity comes consequences.
Take care that no one gets burned.
With some restraint progress will come.
Too much attention is not good.

Clarity without, clarity within.
The implications can be seen.
People naturally depend on one another.
Within and without one must cling to what is right.
One will be judged by the company one keeps.
If one’s behaviour is incorrect
Or one’s character is diminished
Complications will increase.
There will be sorrow.
Too much isolation is inappropriate.
Too much familiarity is inappropriate.
The right standard can only be seen if one holds to it.


The second daughter to herself.
She sees what is needed
But she also needs to see clearly.
Her life can get complicated by dependencies.
Just as fire depends on fuel,
She depends upon the attention of others.
If she is kind and considerate she will win hearts.
If she compromises or overextends herself,
Guilt will increase.
If she does not live up to expectations
There will be sorrow and remorse.
She has the ability to align herself with good company.
To the degree that she does,
She will win praise.
To the degree that she does not,
She will attract guilt and humiliation.
Burning dependencies will increase clarity.

One looks for adventure.
Opportunities abound.
It is important to consider the implications of one’s actions.
Every relationship will, in time,
Require work and commitment.
Are you ready, willing and able?
Are you prepared to face the consequences?


Six in the fifth place: (13° - 14° Pisces)

What is right is challenged.
One does not take a stand.
Illegitimate temptations arise.
Do not act.
Hold on to what is proper and right.
Blame will be placed where it is deserved.

The fifth place: 13° - 14° Pisces: 23. Splitting Apart
Splitting apart!
One does not fit in.
One’s initiatives do not find approval.
Let go!
What is meant to fall away, will fall away!

Six in the fifth place:
In a position of authority, one rests content.
The standard is weakened.
The worthy are not honoured.

At a time when fires of seeming revolution are raging on the planet, a concern arises over the consequences. The fires of self righteousness can burn ferociously if not kept personally in check. Most of the revolutions to topple the old apparent dictators are leading extended periods of military rule. The danger is that the loss of freedom could be greater in what follows. Likewise many of the rebellions and disruptions are based on a rapidly increasing cost of food. Unfortunately these very acts of defiance will probably lead to periods of starvation and poverty. The rich will spend more of their money to buy food, but what will those who have little or no money do?
How can one feel comfortable or at peace when people are starving ….. when even one person is starving?
Can anyone see the light? Will we simply close our eyes to the poverty in the world that is not being shown in the media, but is understood to be prevalent?
Increasing pollution diminishes the quality of food and lives. Controlling pollution increases prices. Increasing gas and chemical costs add fuel to the fire. It is easy to cast blame and justify a volatile response. However, what is needed here is a little consideration and kindness.
Never mind casting blame. Can compassion be found anywhere? It seems to be losing presence even in religions. There are fires that burn without, and there are fires within. Which one are you concerned with? It is one thing to benefit from the light and warmth of a fire. It is quite another to get burned. Very little good will ever come from anger and rage.
We are in an era when we see so much, but hide our own personal light. Which visions are true visions? Is the world madly rushing along based on the here say and gossip of facebook and twitter? Is there no perspective or insight?
One thing seems certain. To heal the planet or even just to survive, we will probably be leading more strongly regulated lives. When the freedom without lessens, will the freedom within grow to balance it? How many people are working to increase their inner light and radiance? Really the question becomes, Am I working to increase my inner light and radiance, or am I simply reacting to what images confront these eyes? Is there any depth perception possible here?
These are the challenges.
Amongst the billions of people in the world, how significant is one story? With this new moon in Pisces, a great sensitivity to the sorrows and complications in the world arises.
As we grow spiritually we increase our sensitivity sphere. As we increase our sensitivity sphere, we increase the amount of pain we feel. When we decide that we do not want any more pain we close off our sensitivities. We diminish our pain and we lose awareness. This is understandable but not always acceptable.
Who is more responsible, the insensitive person or the one with greater sensitivities? The person with the greater sensitivities has the greater responsibility because they are more aware than the insensitive person. The gift that the sensitive person has for the insensitive one is the gift of consideration and guidance. ….. not a self righteous guidance but a compassionate one.
On this new moon in Pisces a great sensitivity prevails for those who wish to tune into it. This is a time when personal disciplines, that help us hold to the inner light, will prove most valuable. Countries and political movements fight wars, but ordinary people starve and die. Chanting on this new moon will open ones heart to the light within. If it can guide us through the darkness, will the world be a better place? One candle alone can light up a room, but several candles together increase the light. A candle only sees darkness, but it keeps burning to show the light.
Chanting is one of the most valid tools for maintaining inner light against the storms of outer vision. Prayer and meditation too are most valuable in this regard.
Embrace sensitivity. Protect kindness. Cherish compassion.

Hari Om.

Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om,


PS. If you want to read older New Moon newsletters they are on line at or on look under chanting and then under new moon chanting. is our new site on chanting and meditation. I hope you will check it out.

******* Also a special note: A free scholarship program to pay for studying astrology is being introduced. Two people per country will be eligible. To find out more go to *******

You are on this mailing list because of an affiliation to chanting with me. If you want to be removed from the list just send a return email requesting removal. If you want to be added to my astrology mailing list let me know.

Friday, February 18, 2011


ARIES: MAR. 21 to APR. 20:
This will be a month of significant contradictions for most Aries. On the one hand you will be surrounded by responsibilities and the results of old karma. They are telling you to be cautious and wait. But Uranus will join Jupiter in Aries this month and excitement and the need for change will prevail.
The New Moon of Mar. 4th will be a relatively uneventful one for Aries. It represents the calm before the storm. The Full Moon of Mar. 19th will also be a relatively uneventful one, however, it does represent the turning of the tide. From here on excitement will predominate.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Mar. 21 and 23 then you will become very hyper and restless this month. It will be difficult to calm down or sleep. Things are changing fast. Patience will have fallen away. It’s your move. Go for it!

TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21
Your energy level will smooth out this month and it will be easier for you to get things done. You will however be inclined to laziness and overindulgence, as a consequence of which you won’t want to bother with anything. Your battle this month is with sloth and overindulgence. You will gain more from putting out energy than trying to receive.
The New Moon of Mar. 4th will be a positive one. You will be highly productive and perceptive at the same time. Act on your ideas. The Full Moon of Mar. 19th will also be positive. Go with the flow.
Special Focus:
Only those Taureans born between May 19 and 21 will still be struggling to get by. Nothing will come out of great expectations, but if you just keep things simple and small they will work out as best as they can. Don’t make promises and try not to lean on others around you.

GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:
March will prove to be a mixed bag of circumstances for most Geminis. On the one hand you will be able to get by on charm. A smile will open hearts! But if you take the initiative and try to force things, they will explode on you. This is an easily irritable and accident prone month. Slow down and keep smiling!
The New Moon of Mar. 4th will be a stressful one. You will be argumentative and pushy. You will attract adversity but would be wiser to minimize it. The Full Moon of Mar. 19th will also be stressful. People will get on your nerves and vice versa. Keep quiet and move out of the way.
Special Focus:
Those of you born between May 21 and 26 will avoid the above mentioned hassles. You will start to calm down and you will regain your sense of humour. You special gift of being able to make people laugh will come to the fore. Enjoy yourself and cheer up those around you.

Performance wise this month promises to be positive and easy going for Cancers, however there is still a marked capacity for exaggerating your worries. Don’t talk about what worries you and you will solve half of your problems. Move away from big schemes and expectations and you will solve much of the remaining half. Don’t worry. Be Happy!
The New Moon of Mar. 4th will be a positive one. Trust your instincts. The Full Moon of Mar. 19th will also be positive but their will be sudden changes in the wind. Be physical more than mental.
Special Focus:
Those Cancers born Between June 21 and 23 will be significantly wired this month. So much is happening that it will be hard for you to get any sleep. The more you worry about others, the more you will be let down. Let go! Don’t look back! Don’t throw good energy after bad.

LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:
Your temperament will improve this month but your vanity will increase. It will be better for you to put out energy than to try and collect rewards. You will be inclined to overspend and overindulge. Bide your time. You ability to communicate gets highlighted in the last half of the month. A fool and his or her money will soon be parted!
The New Moon of Mar. 4th will be an uneventful one. Relax and enjoy yourself. The Full Moon of Mar. 19th will be an easy one for Leos. Go with the flow, but pick up your own tab.
Special Focus:
Those Leos born between Aug. 21 and 23 will be out of focus and most likely out to lunch this month. No one around you is reliable and neither are you. There is no need to feel sorry for yourself, but there is a need to restore self reliance and simplicity. Don’t make promises or big investments.

VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23:
These are the dark days of winter for Virgos. You energy level is low and your will be prone to colds. Pump up the vitamin C and the zinc. It will be easy for you to lose your temper and blow up at people working with you. This is not a good idea! Give yourself extra time to get places and try to help others rather than cast blame. A good night’s sleep will work wonders.
The New Moon of Mar. 4th will be most irritable and low energy one. Keep your thoughts to yourself. Maintain a low profile. The Full Moon of Mar. 19th will also be an irritable and low energy one. Your feelings will be accentuated and you will be inclined to over react. Chill out! Take a cold shower. Just back off a little and things will work easier.
Special Focus:
If your birthday falls between Sept. 21 and 23 then you will be in shock and anxiety until the 11th when the tide turns and the pressures lift. At least you will be able to calm down a little. Let go! Don’t look back! It is time to start acting independently in a new direction. Don’t wait for others.

LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:
This March brings with it a marked tendency to exaggerate. You would be wise to be sparing of words. The more you speak, the more misunderstandings are likely to occur. You need to adjust your outlook on things. You need to have a sense of where they are leading to and what will happen before you get involved. A little restraint will go a long way.
The New Moon of Mar. 4th will be an uneventful one for Libras. You will be appreciated by your friends. The Full Moon of Mar. 19th will also be an uneventful one. Keep aloof and move out of the way of loud and aggressive people.
Special Focus:
If your birthday falls between Sept. 23 and 25, this will be a month when Murphy’s Law will prevail. You will be walking on thin ice. You will be let down by others. Let go! It is time to take on new priorities. Don’t throw good energy after bad. Don’t look back!

SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:
This month there will be smooth and steady progress amidst some personal discontent. It will be easy for you to take the initiative and get things done. It will be difficult for you to cut back on personal indulgences. Splurge spending could prove costly. Put your ideas into action but don’t get too comfortable.
The New Moon of Mar. 4th will be will be a positive one. Trust your instincts and go with the flow! The Full Moon of Mar. 19th will also be a positive one. Don’t slow down now! Be physical rather than emotional.
Special Focus:
If you were born between November 20 and 22 then this will be a gullible month for you. You will be easily tempted and deceived, as much by yourself as by others. This is a good time to lie low and stay invisible. If you want to do something, go somewhere where you can help others. Big schemes and unrealistic expectations spell trouble. Keep aloof!

You will be popular this month, but it looks like you will be trying to do too much. You will be scrambling in too many directions and will easily lose your patience. The first half of the month will be more problematic than the last. Keep your comments to yourself. Expect mechanical problems and delays. Drive carefully. If you get angry you will have already lost the battle! Try to keep well rested and the advantage will be yours.
The New Moon of Mar. 4th will be a stressful one for Sagittarians. Unexpected changes will disrupt your plans. The Full Moon of Mar. 19th will also be stressful for you. Don’t force issues.
Special Focus:
Those Sagittarians born between November 22 and 30 will have the best of energies this month. New opportunities will be coming your way and the general adversity will have passed for you. Communication will be highlighted. Get out there and express yourself.

CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:
This month Capricorns will be productive and will make active progress but there will likely be collateral damage. Problems will arise over misunderstandings and questionable priorities. One action is worth a thousand words, and this month every word spoken will likely attract two or more in dissention. Be decisive. Take control. Just don’t try to explain!
The New Moon of Mar. 4th will be a positive one for you. Put ideas into action. Communications will be successful. The Full Moon of Mar. 19th will also be a positive one. Be active but don’t draw attention to yourself.
Special Focus:
If your birthday falls on Dec. 21 or 22 then these will be days of sudden change and shock. Expect the unexpected. Others will likely let you down. The more you make a fuss the more you will lose. The faster you can let go of what no longer belongs, the better things will be. Let go! Don’t look back!

AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:
Your peak of passion has passed. The forces within and around you will calm down a little. This will be a good month for you as there will be little or no adversity. You will find that last month’s surge of power will be replaced by magnetism and charm. Appreciation and satisfaction will be close at hand this month. You just need to relax a little and enjoy it.
The New Moon of Mar. 4th will be an insignificant one for most Aquarians. Just go with the flow. The Full Moon of Mar. 19th will also be insignificant. There will not be any interference. Your popularity will be accentuated.
Special Focus:
If you were born on Feb. 18 or 19 then this will be a very romantic and adventurous month. You will be looking for a dream or romantic adventure and one is likely to come. This will be a time of vision quest for you. The great dream is happening now! Will you go with it or fight against it? This is one month when your heart will probably dominate the mind.

PISCES: FEB. 19 to MAR. 20:
The Force will be with you this month. It is time to take the initiative and make things happen. Your patience will be at a minimum but your ability to be assertive will be at a two year high. This is no time to run and hide, but rather a time to will, to dare, and to conquer. How much guts will you have? What will you dare to do? Momentum will be on your side. You just have to make use of it to reap the benefits.
The New Moon of Mar. 4th will be the most impressionable and significant one of the year. Trust your instincts! This really does mark a significant new beginning. The Full Moon of Mar. 19th will bring contradictory energies your way. You will be assertive but you can also expect some criticism from people close to you. To them it will seem as if you are acting out of character. My advice is “Seize the moment!”
Special Focus:
If you are a Pisces and were born in February then this will be an easy going month where you will be able to make some smooth moves. There is no need for you to be over aggressive or forceful. Just stay cool and things will work out alright. Your magnetism will increase as the month evolves.

Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at or phone (905) 841-8565, or visit the website at

Robin will teach a 10 week Beginner’s Astrology Class this April 2011 on Monday nights, 7:30 to 9:30 PM in Aurora. It will start on Apr. 4. Call if you are interested. 905-841-8565.

Every month 3 lucky winners will be chosen from Robin’s email list. The prize this month is a thirty page interpretation of your horoscope. For a chance to win send an email to Robin. Once you are on the list you will be eligible win every month.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

RASA International Astrology Scholarship

The RASA International Astrology Scholarship Program

Provided By: RASA School of Astrology

Acceptance Date: Monday, January 1, 2011

Deadline: Saturday, December 31, 2011

Type of Award: Full Scholarship – No Fee, and partial scholarships

Renewable: No

Value: $1,000 USD


Level of Study: Bachelor Equivalent

Field of Study: Astrological Studies

Years of Study: Four Years

Course Load: Full-time or Part-time

School of Study: RASA School of Astrology

Region of Study: World Wide

Study Type: Correspondence Study


A career in astrology can make a significant difference in your life and enhance your relationships. These classes will prepare you to become a competent astrologer.

During the selection process full scholarships will be awarded to a maximum of two applicants per country.

Scholarships are open to everyone;
however special consideration for full scholarships will be awarded to:

* persons who are financially challenged
* individuals living in isolated areas without an astrological community nearby
* single parents
* those with special needs

Course includes over 350 hours of audio formatted classes and a vast library of graphics, articles and booklets relating to the course.


*** Apply for the scholarship grant today by clicking here ***