Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Moon Chanting 2010-03-15

CHANTING HARI OM newsletter, March 2010

Hari Om,

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The exact New Moon occurs on Monday, Mar 15, at 4:02 PM, EDT (Mar 16, at 1:32 AM in Gujarat) in the I Ching hexagram “Fellowship With Men”. Included below are the relevant interpretation segments of the hexagram from my ebook The I Ching: The Sequence of Change, An Astrological Perspective. Relevant portions of the text are listed below. (Can be ordered online at www.thewakingdream.net)

First is the hexagram that the New Moon is happening in.


Heaven above, Fire below.
Great clarity that reaches to heaven.
Simple words of insight will have a powerful effect.
Secure your associations before you ask for anything.
Do not make promises that you cannot fulfill.

Many footsteps.
Abundant opportunities.
One who hesitates loses.
If you are sincere
You will make great progress.

Strength without, clarity within.
One believes in oneself.
One acts on one’s conscience.
Great activity. Great change.
It furthers one to be sincere
And to follow through on what one starts.
One must know who to align with
To insure continuity and success,
And one must not compromise one’s principles.

The second daughter to her father.
She goes out of her way to win his attention.
He is strong. He likes to play and laugh, but he is not sensitive.
She will usually get what she wants.
He is the magnet. She is the nail.
She sees what she must do and will actively pursue it.
Sometimes she will do more than she should.
It is important the she take the right approach.


Great change in the light.
The dark will soon lose its grip.
One runs through the water.
Social obligations are weakening.
One rushes towards freedom.
One should be considerate of those who cannot rush
And of those who are not free.
The light of kindness will lead to greatness.


Nine in the fifth place: (25° - 26° Pisces)
Someone in authority keeps the wolves at bay.
One maintains one’s responsibilities
And is honourable.
Good fortune.

The fifth place: 25° - 26° Pisces: 37. The Family
Family concerns surface.
Gentle words of clarity.
Preferential treatment is not given.
Everyone is welcomed.

Nine in the fifth place:
One moves quickly and shows no weakness.
One uses one’s authority and power.
If one has the welfare of others in heart,
Great works can be accomplished.

Great clarity and great dependency! A little fire or spark can set many large fires. Small initiatives can have great repercussions. If one is kind and sincere and holds the welfare of others in his or her heart, then a successful conclusion is likely. In the same way a little country is often at the mercy of larger ones. However even such a small place as the Falklands or Tibet can generate clarity which can upset the affairs of the biggest countries.

On a spiritual level, this hexagram implies that if one aligns one’s own inner light with those who have even greater insight, then much benefit will occur. If one deviates or compromises one principles then it will take much effort to regain one’s composure.

What is really true? It has been said that the only truth is that God is. Everything else is less than that. Our world is filled with visual images tempting us on all sides. It would be a significant error to interpret the new media as a spiritual thing. There is a significant distinction between the wondrous light and love of a true avatar, with what is presented in the 3d movie Avatar.
It is sad to see the gross degeneration of a truly spiritual concept. It actually trivializes the real truth while it is getting great attention around the world.
Truly it is an Age of Kali or darkness and quarrel, when such a degeneration becomes so idealized.
The great Avatars that I have heard of, all got their enlightenment from a relationship to silence and solitude. Simplicity is an incredible state of Being. The state of no thought and no desire or anger is subliminal and profound.
One can find many religions, churches and temples where enlightenment is promised. One can find numerous workshops and new age schools that offer true wisdom. Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, Zoroaster, Chaitanya, Buddha, Lao Tsu, Fu Hsi and many other great beings did not find their enlightenment in the temple, church, synagogue, mosque, or around groups of others. They all spend time alone, in silence until they became one with it. Without thought, from a very simplistic and innocent state of being, they truly were manifestations of great light with a profound influence that is still present today.
This influence cannot be measured in words. Words are simply trails to images. Images are traps of meaning. Meaning and relevance dissolves in the light of inner truth. Even if one has learned of some processes through words, it becomes all the more important to put it to the test of life.
So many people are using the new medias to persuade and influence the thinking of others. This hexagram implies a challenge to see clearly and discern the distinction between inner and outer light. There is a warning here concerning what fires you start, and the company you keep.

This month’s New Moon horoscope reveals three other planets joining the Sun and Moon in Pisces.
They are Jupiter, Uranus and Mercury. Mercury conjunct Uranus implies radical and innovative thinking filled with great new insights. With the close proximity of the Sun and Moon imply that the inherent depth and effects of the New Moon will be naturally directed to new ideas and thoughts. With Jupiter also in Pisces, the sign it rules, spiritual insight and guidance are present.
The weakness in this seemingly positive process is in the mind. The seed impressions and ultra sensitive experiences that happen on the New Moon will very rapidly get expressed, without much time taken for reflection and restraint. It would be easy to convince oneself that anything is possible and to talk about it.
A better suggestion would be to sit in the silence and hold to the inner feelings for a few days, especially if you feel strongly about it. Be patient. Give the spirit of the New Moon time to settle and mature. Nurture your simplicity for a while. Wait at least 2 ½ days before you start expounding about it.
The road to hell is lined with good intentions. Hold on to heart felt feelings. Don’t be too quick to intellectualize them. Make sure that you practice what you preach before you act on your ideas.

Chanting on this New Moon will bring many benefits. New insights and understandings will surface if you can prevent your energy from dissipating or going out in too many directions. Turn off the media! Sit wordless for a while, and then chant a name of God that you have sincere feeling for. If you are chanting with others, keep words and thoughts to yourself, especially after chanting. Don’t talk about it. Just hold on to it. See how long you can maintain your heartfelt feelings.

When you come out of your meditation, try to stay focused on how to be of service to the heartfelt feelings of others. Protect your own and assist the devotion of others, without words. One loving action will light the hearts of all around. If everyone could maintain this, what a wonderful world it would be.

Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om,


PS. If you want to read older New Moon newsletters they are on line at
http://www.thewakingdream.net/ look under chanting and then under new moon chanting.

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