Thursday, December 2, 2010

CHANTING HARI OM Newsletter, December 2010

Hari Om,

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The exact New Moon occurs on Sunday, Dec. 5, at 12:37 PM (EST), (Dec. 5, at 11:07 PM in Gujarat) in the I Ching hexagram “Holding Together”. Included below are the relevant interpretation segments of the hexagram from my ebook The I Ching: The Sequence of Change, An Astrological Perspective. Relevant portions of the text are listed below. (Can be ordered online at

The I Ching hexagram that the New Moon is happening in is:
(The graphics accompanying this newsletter can be seen on line at


Zodiac: 12° - 18° Sagittarius
Calendar: Northern Hemisphere: Dec 4 to Dec 10 approx
Southern Hemisphere: Jun 2 to Jun 9 approx
House 4: 18° - 12° setting to IC
Time of day: 10:48 to 11:12 PM (Local Mean Time or Sun Dial time)
Aspect: 18° - 12° Waning
Moon Phase: Waning New Moon Phase (45° - 00°)
(10½ to 14 days after the Full Moon).

Water above, the earth below.
The abysmal above, the earth below.
One is discriminating without and receptive within.
The troubles of others can be understood with a little sensitivity.
Difficulties can be solved by holding together.

Snow falls.
Danger hovers.
Holding together overcomes obstacles.
The lone wolf will not attack the herd.
It will wait for stragglers.
Holding together means taking care of the weaker ones.
There is no room for individual priorities here.
United we stand. Divided we fall.
Be content with your circumstances.
Someone will always have less than you.
Try to help others.

Teamwork will prevail
Where individuality will fail.
Even the greatest difficulties
Can be overcome by holding together.
Align with others.
Keep your demands simple.
Acknowledge the worthy.
Protect the innocent.
Assist the vulnerable.
In this way the weaknesses of others
Can be minimized and made useful.

The mother to the second son.
She is inclusive. He holds closely to her.
She will give special consideration to the second son.
She has to protect him from his older brother.
He lives in his older brother’s shadow.
She will try to insure that he is included and treated fairly.
She is always busy. He will not force issues.
She holds the family together.
He often feels threatened and seeks her protection.
She understands. He discriminates.
He criticizes and wants improvements.
She will adjust.

Independence will cause problems.
Excessive talking will reveal ignorance.
To use the group for one’s own purpose will bring humiliation.
Holding together requires consideration.
Holding together will increase security.
Everyone has a story.
Not everyone finds peace and acceptance.
There is great value in teamwork.
There are also great challenges.
One must be receptive to the struggles of others.


Nine in the fifth place: (13° - 14° Sagittarius)
Strength in the face of danger.
Holding firm to what is right.
One moves through the many
And sets a standard for others to follow.
Do not avoid difficulties, deal with them.
Do not allow relationships to degenerate.
Do not diminish character.

The fifth place: 13° - 14° Sagittarius: 43. Breakthrough, Resoluteness
Breaking through.
Doubts will fall away.
One action is worth a thousand words.
It’s time to practice what you preach.

Nine in the fifth place:
In the heart of danger
Surrounded by the vulnerability and weakness of others
One takes the lead and holds people together.
Simple responsibilities
Will keep them occupied and useful.
Small accomplishments will accumulate.
Good fortune.

This is the Sagittarius New Moon. It is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of understanding and or misunderstanding. Which do you think predominates today? The New Moon brings a deep sensitivity to the surface. This one brings a sensitivity to misunderstandings at a time when so much is changing and so much misunderstanding and distrust is expressing itself. Jupiter also rules expansion and reaching for new horizons, but it can also be the God of overindulgence and too much joviality.
In our modern world of bitten information, we are being programmed to respond to the events in the world around us in a fearful way. Perhaps this has always been so, but right now it is at a critical level. Everyone has an opinion about what is going wrong around us and what should be done. Unfortunately many of these opinions are narrow-minded and inconsiderate of others. It must be remembered that we share planet with others. We also share responsibilities for it. If you use a telephone, a computer, a television or a car, not to mention a refrigerator, a stove, electricity or gas, then you are just as responsible as everyone else for the state of affairs in the world.
It sure is easy to point fingers, and cast blame. The question becomes, what are you prepared to do without? And what will you do then?
The Hexagram of Holding Together presents the issue well. It shows danger without and around us, and receptivity or vulnerability within. We are all affected by climate change and pollution. We are also responsible for the wars and violence on the planet. There are so many dangers without that we are being overwhelmed in our consciousness by them. This is truly a significant danger. It is so easy to point the finger and blame someone else, or some other country or race for the problems we are encountering. What if it is not correct? What if all the finger pointing just raises more fear and violence? What if we are responsible for it, simply because we are benefiting by it. How many people who own computers will go to bed hungry or in fear of their lives or their children’s lives? Who is responsible for the incredible number of species being extinguished from the planet almost daily? Is there anyone still living in touch with nature and natural ways?
It would be a wonderful thing if on this New Moon we could concentrate on not blaming anyone and sending best wishes for everyone to be able to live better and deal appropriately with the challenges in front of them. What an incredible affirmation that would be!
If what is healing for the world is a bitter pill or creates personal hardship, can it be embraced with a healthy and positive understanding?
Try to understand that everyone has vulnerabilities and help where you can. If you cannot do anything physically or financially, you can always send a prayer or chant a chant for better guidance in the world. Try to understand that everyone out there has a spirit and a heart and that there are many miraculous ways that they are experienced.
This New Moon, send out a prayer for the world. Chant for the benefit of all mankind. God is everywhere and not just on our side! Inside and outside God will prevail. There are not good and bad people. There is good behaviour and ignorant behaviour, and there are also many differing ways and cultures. Everyone puts their head down and closes their eyes to sleep, and everyone is vulnerable when we sleep. At the same time a good night’s sleep is one of the most important weapons we can use for fighting negativity and doubt, and for dealing with the world in a positive manner. Can you curb your excesses and give the world and yourself a good night’s sleep? How often can you do this?

The horoscope for this New Moon in Sagittarius reveals other challenges on our doorstep and in our world. It is a time when harsh judgments will be made that are likely insensitive to individual needs and security. Yes, of course there will be long term repercussions. So what?
Is it any reason to stop your chanting or your prayers? Is it any reason to drop all of your spiritual training and succumb to fear and darkness? Of course not! Do you dare to take a stand and make an effort to stay loving and positive, even in the face of such adversity? Depression is the mask of anger and rage. Anger is the mask of sorrow. Sorrow is the gateway to compassion. Remember that the Buddha in his seeming detachment maintained his compassion for the world.
Also in this horoscope is an indicator of sudden shocks and volatility, or the disruptive use of force. This will be an accident prone time where problems could easily escalate out of control. Will you be able to remain consistent in your spiritual practices? This is a time when holding on to your spiritual disciplines is very important and could represent the way to success. When big ways are blocked, find kindness in smaller ways.
Watch your comments and don’t cast blame. Who is living clearly enough, without guilt, and who could be worthy of casting blame. If someone was living so clearly, they would not cast blame. Even our politicians have been elected and chosen by us … at least in most of the world.
Religious principled understanding is another Sagittarian theme and here also, it is so easy to justify one’s own beliefs and put down everyone else’s. This is a big part of the problem in the world. We have so much information coming to us, one would think that our understanding would grow and become more inclusive and considerate, rather than more fanatical. The people fighting wars believe in what they are fighting for. Is there not any better way?
Keep chanting and sending prayers of light and good will. The spirit of the season is to help and encourage others. From the eyes of God there is no us and them!
Do you think that there is more God here than there? Or in a block of gold than in an ordinary pebble? This is not something to measure, but if we can align to it, this is a bright and healing light.
Whatever your spiritual discipline may be, may you hold to it and may it bring you light and guidance. I deeply respect and bow down to the God in you and in everyone. If you don’t believe in chanting, then even a moment of silence without thinking can bring a great light into life.

For me, chanting is a way of life. It gives me an easy discipline that I can maintain, and that I can always get better at, and it harms no one. I daily repeat chants for everyone I know. It is my way of staying in touch and caring.

Hari Om.

Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om,


PS. If you want to read older New Moon newsletters they are on line at look under chanting and then under new moon chanting.

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1 comment:

  1. Here is the astrological forecast for Chanting on the Sagittarius New Moon.
