Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CHANTING HARI OM Newsletter, July 30, 2011

Hari Om,

Please pass this on to anyone you think is interested. If you receive this newsletter from a friend and want to be on this mailing list, just email in your request.

      The exact New Moon eclipse occurs on Saturday, Jul 30, at 2:40 PM (EDT), (Jul 31, at 12:10 AM in Gujarat) in the I Ching hexagram “Work On What Has Been Spoiled”. Included below are the relevant interpretation segments of the hexagram from my ebook The I Ching: The Sequence of Change, An Astrological Perspective. (Can be ordered online at

The I Ching hexagram that the New Moon is happening in is:


Zodiac:            06° - 12° Leo
Calendar:          Northern Hemisphere: Jul 29 to Aug 4 approx
                        Southern Hemisphere: Jan 26 to Feb 1 approx
House 8:          144° - 138° setting to IC
Time of day:     02:24 to 02:48 PM (Local Mean Time or Sun Dial time)
Aspect:           144° - 138° Waning
Moon Phase:    Waning Full Moon Phase (180° - 135°)
                        (0 to 3½ days after the Full Moon).

The mountain above, wind below.
Trees at the foot of the mountain.
Keeping still above, gentle penetration below.
Sensitive words will have a healing effect.
Gentleness may not move the mountain
But it will be able to influence it.

Movement at the foot of the mountain.
Clear a path.
Cut the weeds, move the fallen trees and stones.
Change is eminent.
It is time to overcome inertia.
To prepare the way is noble indeed.

Patience without, sensitivity within.
To change the outer world
One must first work on oneself.
The way must be prepared within.
Inner determination will be needed.
One will have to be conscientious.
What can be said until the work within is done?
No one will listen.
The worthy will have nothing to say.

The first daughter to the third son.
She is persuasive. He will exercise restraint.
He can be influenced,
But she will have to show him what can be gained.
She is expressive and knows how to increase her influence.
He will think that she can be too assertive and bossy.
When she approaches, he knows there will be a hidden agenda.
She uses her time. He protects his time.
She is perceptive. He is selective.

Care of the garden.
One waits and measures the effect of the wind on the crops.
If there is damage one must repair what one can.
Remain attentive to the implications.
One cannot simply leave everything to nature
And rest content.
Results will improve if one helps.


Nine in the second place: (07° - 08° Leo)
One tends to do more than one should.
One over-reacts to a little encouragement.
Patience is lacking.
Satisfaction will prove to be evasive.

         The second place: 07° - 08° Leo:  18. Treading + 11. Peace
         Strong indulgence.
         Firm decisions.
         Unless one gives freely
         There will be no peace.

                  Nine in the second place:
                  Frivolous words.
                  Inconsiderate actions will make matters worse.

This is the time of year where we could all use a little self improvement. There is a strong tendency to overindulge and pay no heed to any criticisms. However, any little bit of effort made to improve things will improve your karma and the rewards that could be coming your way.
It is time to pause and reassess what is needed or what would be helpful. Self improvement will pay off. You cannot change others, but you might be able to help them remove some obstacles. This needs to be done with sensitivity and gentleness. Any excessive use of force will cause alienation and discord.
To be on the good side of this, just ask yourself, “What needs be improved?”
Think about it for a little while and then make it happen.

This is a Leo New Moon. Self esteem is important. Over-exaggeration and vanity are likely. There will be a marked tendency to over rate one’s sense of importance. Sometimes it is hard to be humble! There will be distinct confrontations over change and the ways to make it happen. Confusion is rampant. Evasive thinking and unreliable words and strategies prevail. There will also be a strong sense of impatience and recklessness.
Any expression of violence will likely invoke a greater reaction. Good things can be accomplished but it will be tricky. It will not happen by force or by pride. One must take a moment and pause before one acts, and when one acts, one needs to be harmonious, smooth and non-threatening.

Taking some time to meditate or chant will calm the individual and strengthen the spirit. In order to stay in the light one must hold it carefully within. It will be all too easy for one to deplete one’s reserves and inner light. There is no need to throw pearls before swine! Take a few moments to make sure that the people being helped are worthy…. and that you yourself are worthy!
If you reinforce and centre the feelings in your heart, noble causes will be championed.
This will not be a good time for laziness or inertia.
Make room for some silence, meditation, or some chanting on this new moon and you will be better able to secure your heart and the love of people around you.

No one ever loses from chanting, meditation or prayer. New moons are the seed moments of the month. Chanting on a new moon insures a greater spiritual integrity for the month ahead, and it also opens one up to an inner stream of visions and heartfelt feelings. It will reinforce faith!

Hari Om.

Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om,


PS. If you want to read older New Moon newsletters they are on line at look under chanting and then under new moon chanting. is our new site on chanting and meditation. I hope you will check it out.

******* Also a special note: A free scholarship program to pay for studying astrology is being introduced. Two people per country will be eligible; in Canada, two per province or territory; in the US, two per state. To find out more go to *******

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


ARIES: MAR. 21 to APR. 20:
Bravado and klutziness will prevail this month. Your aggression level will be high, but aggression will likely work against you. One step forward two steps back! This will be an accident prone month when mechanical problems can be expected. The minute you lose your temper, you will have lost!
The Full Moon of Aug 13th will be a stressful one. Take your time! Hurry up! Be wary of going to extremes. The New Moon of Aug 28th will also be a stressful one for Aries. You are likely to feel hemmed in by time demands and responsibilities. Don’t argue with authority!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Mar. 21st and Apr. 9th these will be highly excitable days filled with conflicts and unexpected resistance. You will be strong in a short spurt but weak in long term demands. Try to take one day at a time. Try to let sleeping dogs lie.

TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21
The world is filled with tension and strife and yet fortune continues to smile on you. This month you will be productive as it will be much easier for you to get things done than it has been for some time. Enjoy yourself but don’t overindulge. Go with the flow. If any hassles surface, just move out of the way and they will pass you by.
The Full Moon of Aug 13th will be a stressful one. Don’t explain yourself. Only purchase things that you can pay for yourself. You will be emotionally gullible. The New Moon of Aug 28th will be a positive one for Taureans. Trust your charms more than your words. A smile will bring you victory and satisfaction.
Special Focus:
If you are a Taurus and were born in May then you will be prone to making poor choices for the first three weeks of the month. You could waste of blow whatever resources you have at your disposal. You would be better off to wait and do without until the last ten days of the month when you will easily attract what you want.

GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:
The Full Moon of Aug 13th will be a positive one. Your popularity will be in high gear and you will be especially attractive to the opposite sex. The New Moon of Aug 28th will be a stressful one for Geminis. Confusion and distorted thinking will prevail. Stay active. Keep things simple. And don’t try to explain!
Special Focus:
Those of you born between May 24 and 30 will be particularly sensitive to criticism this month. You are inclined to make questionable purchases or investments. Avoid big promises and big schemes. Make an effort to accentuate the positive and move away from those who are critical. You will be better off giving encouragement than expecting it.

Mars has moved into your sign. The Force is with you! Patience will not be with you. This is the time to set goals and armies in motion, however there are greater instabilities hovering and you don’t want to set them off unnecessarily. Do what you need to do, but try to stay under the radar,  …keep a low profile!
The Full Moon of Aug 13th will be an easy one with little stress. Still there is a need for you to be active. Problems could surface if you talk like you know everything. The New Moon of Aug 28th will be another positive one. Personal charisma and sex appeal are highlighted. A little appreciation will go a long way!
Special Focus:
Those of you born between June 24 and 27 will feel quite restless and insecure. Whenever you force something, it will break. You are inclined to be let down by others. If confrontations surface, move out of the way. If you don’t set yourself up, you won’t be brought down.

LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:
Leos will be expressive and popular this month. It will seem as if you are living on a stage in a dream world. Enjoy it, but don’t think that it will last forever. A smile will win hearts but strategies will not. Be wary of big promises and big schemes. If you have to explain yourself, then you are not talking to a friend.
The Full Moon of Aug 13th will be stressful for Leos. Contradictory energy will arise. Who will you listen to is the question. Silence is golden. The New Moon of Aug 28th will be an insignificant one. Communications will be highlighted. Express yourself creatively rather than critically.
Special Focus:
Those Leos born between Aug. 8 and 23 will feel restless and impatient this month. You will be easily irritated by any kind of delays or interference. The big challenge is to watch what you say. Be honest and sincere. Don’t say anything that you would be sorry for later. Don’t empower gossip!

VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23:
Everything comes to those who can wait. If you take the initiative you will attract a reward. Actions will speak louder than words for Virgos this month. Things should get steadily better as the month evolves. The main challenge this month is to not trust your mind or your words. Talk is cheap and you could be deceived. No Promises!
The Full Moon of Aug 13th will be easy going and positive. Just go with the flow! The New Moon of Aug 28th will be a positive one and the most sensitive one of the year. Take some time to be alone around nature. Maintain some silence. Do not exaggerate or make promises!
Special Focus:
If you are a Virgo born in August then you will need to keep alert this month. Before something really good opens up for you, there will be a temptation to align with the wrong people. Don’t take the first reaction. Let it rise and fall and then the second wave will be yours. Take the time to read the fine print. Don’t wing it!

LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:
All that glitters isn’t gold. Your powers of charm and persuasion will be in high gear this month, but your ability to take the initiate will be impaired. You timing will be off. You can see what you want. That’s easy, but to make it happen will require some elbow grease and basic hard work. Be prepared for delays and mechanical problems. Keep your temperament positive.
The Full Moon of Aug 13th will be stressful. The forces are volatile around you. Don’t push. Don’t expect others to make things easier. The New Moon of Aug 28th will be a moderate one for Librans. Personal effort and self discipline will be required. Be prepared.
Special Focus:
If your birthday falls between Sept. 23 and Oct. 13 then this will be a highly stressful and disruptive month. You will be accident prone and impatient. If you force matters, they will explode. Do what you have to do but do it with patience and disciple. The minute you lose your temper, you will have already lost! Try to keep well rested.

SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:
This month you will be blessed with smooth moves, but cursed by poor choices. It will be easier for you to do things and get them done, that it will be to collect or get rewarded. There is a need for you to control what you say. If you express your discontent or wax sarcastic, you will drive good people away from you. If you haven’t got something good to say, don’t say anything!
The Full Moon of Aug 13th will \be a stressful one. Satisfaction and respect will prove evasive. The New Moon of Aug 28th will be will be a positive one. Actions will succeed where words will not. Go with the flow!.
Special Focus:
Those Scorpios born between Nov. 21 and 22 will feel confusion returning. You will be out of focus and gullible. The challenge here is to keep things simple and self reliant. Big schemes or speculation will cause loss and sorrow. If you don’t set yourself up, you will not be brought down. Don’t try to negotiate or explain.

The tide is changing. The wall of adversity and frustration is lifting. This month Sagittarians will
run into approval and support without any contention. The way is opening. Your popularity will improve and your ability to express yourself spontaneously will return. Good cheer and good will, will open doorways and hearts.
The Full Moon of Aug 13th will be a very positive one for Sagittarians. The traffic lights are green. It is your move. The New Moon of Aug 28th will be a stressful one for Sagittarians. Stick to the high road of positive communications. Move away from petty criticisms.
Special Focus:
Those Sagittarians born between Nov. 22 and 23 will find that the fog around them is beginning to lift or thin out a little, The fog isn’t over, it is just thinning out for a little while. This is not the time to speed out or chase big dreams. It is still important you maintain simple self reliance. No expectations!

CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:
This will be a cranky and crabby month for most Capricorns. Your energy will seem blocked or interfered with. It will be easy for you to get worked up about what others are or are not doing. Your timing will be off and you will attract mechanical problems and even speeding tickets if you don’t slow down. Try to keep well rested. Give yourself extra time to get things done.
The Full Moon of Aug 13th will be a stressful one. Avoid confrontations and power struggles. Aggression will the to greater aggression. The New Moon of Aug 28th will be a harmonious one for you. Trust your instincts but do not force matters or take them into your own hands. Back off for now.
Special Focus:
If your birthday falls between Dec. 22 and Jan. 8 then this will be a month of sudden change and disruptions. You are vulnerable to attack and would be wiser to be patient and recharge a little. This is also an accident prone time. Maintain discipline! Haste makes waste. Expect the unexpected. Repressed energies will surface with volatility.

AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:
August will be a month when most Aquarians will not be thinking quite right, or perhaps it would be better said that people will not hear you properly. You are inclined to be wasteful and overindulgent. Excesses will be encouraged and embraced, It would be better for you to exert some self discipline and maintain a sense of moderation.
The Full Moon of Aug 13th will be stressful. Powerful instincts will surface accompanied by poor discrimination. The New Moon of Aug 28th will be an insignificant one for most Aquarians. The less you say, the better things will go.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Feb 18 and 19th then this will be a vision quest month. Neptune returns to Aquarius and gets you dreaming. The positive side is that this can open up previous inhibitions. The negative is that it can make you quite gullible. Try to visit special places in nature, around rivers or lakes, or the ocean.

PISCES: FEB. 19 to MAR. 20:
Smooth sailing will prevail for August. New opportunities will present themselves to you. You will benefit from taking advantage of them. Make the most of the first three weeks and then be prepared to slow down a little. In the last week of August you will run into criticism. Keep busy and it will pass.
The Full Moon of Aug 13th will be a positive and harmonious one. Go with the flow. The New Moon of Aug 28th will be a stressful one when you will be sensitive to criticism.  It would not be wise for you to voice criticism of others.

Special Focus:
If you are a Pisces and were born between February 26 and March 1st then this will be a lucky month. It will be a good time for a holiday or even a new investment. Good fortune is somewhat contagious. If you help someone else, benefits will come to you. So this month you should aim to spread some good fortune around. Your support will men a lot to the people around you.

Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at  or phone (905) 841-8565, or visit the website at

The RASA School of Astrology is continuing its scholarship program, whereby the full tuition for the four year study program is paid for. Anyone can apply, but special preference will be given to single parents, to those financially challenged or living in isolated areas, or those with special needs.  Fifty-nine full and partial scholarships have just been awarded, and more will be announced on Sept. 23. To apply go to and send in an email from there.

Robin will organize special outings and drum circles to the Forest Woodhenge. Call if you are interested. 905-841-8565.

Every month 3 lucky winners will be chosen from Robin’s email list. The prize this month is a thirty page interpretation of your horoscope. For a chance to win send an email to Robin. Once you are on the list you will be eligible win every month.