Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CHANTING HARI OM Newsletter, July 30, 2011

Hari Om,

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      The exact New Moon eclipse occurs on Saturday, Jul 30, at 2:40 PM (EDT), (Jul 31, at 12:10 AM in Gujarat) in the I Ching hexagram “Work On What Has Been Spoiled”. Included below are the relevant interpretation segments of the hexagram from my ebook The I Ching: The Sequence of Change, An Astrological Perspective. (Can be ordered online at

The I Ching hexagram that the New Moon is happening in is:


Zodiac:            06° - 12° Leo
Calendar:          Northern Hemisphere: Jul 29 to Aug 4 approx
                        Southern Hemisphere: Jan 26 to Feb 1 approx
House 8:          144° - 138° setting to IC
Time of day:     02:24 to 02:48 PM (Local Mean Time or Sun Dial time)
Aspect:           144° - 138° Waning
Moon Phase:    Waning Full Moon Phase (180° - 135°)
                        (0 to 3½ days after the Full Moon).

The mountain above, wind below.
Trees at the foot of the mountain.
Keeping still above, gentle penetration below.
Sensitive words will have a healing effect.
Gentleness may not move the mountain
But it will be able to influence it.

Movement at the foot of the mountain.
Clear a path.
Cut the weeds, move the fallen trees and stones.
Change is eminent.
It is time to overcome inertia.
To prepare the way is noble indeed.

Patience without, sensitivity within.
To change the outer world
One must first work on oneself.
The way must be prepared within.
Inner determination will be needed.
One will have to be conscientious.
What can be said until the work within is done?
No one will listen.
The worthy will have nothing to say.

The first daughter to the third son.
She is persuasive. He will exercise restraint.
He can be influenced,
But she will have to show him what can be gained.
She is expressive and knows how to increase her influence.
He will think that she can be too assertive and bossy.
When she approaches, he knows there will be a hidden agenda.
She uses her time. He protects his time.
She is perceptive. He is selective.

Care of the garden.
One waits and measures the effect of the wind on the crops.
If there is damage one must repair what one can.
Remain attentive to the implications.
One cannot simply leave everything to nature
And rest content.
Results will improve if one helps.


Nine in the second place: (07° - 08° Leo)
One tends to do more than one should.
One over-reacts to a little encouragement.
Patience is lacking.
Satisfaction will prove to be evasive.

         The second place: 07° - 08° Leo:  18. Treading + 11. Peace
         Strong indulgence.
         Firm decisions.
         Unless one gives freely
         There will be no peace.

                  Nine in the second place:
                  Frivolous words.
                  Inconsiderate actions will make matters worse.

This is the time of year where we could all use a little self improvement. There is a strong tendency to overindulge and pay no heed to any criticisms. However, any little bit of effort made to improve things will improve your karma and the rewards that could be coming your way.
It is time to pause and reassess what is needed or what would be helpful. Self improvement will pay off. You cannot change others, but you might be able to help them remove some obstacles. This needs to be done with sensitivity and gentleness. Any excessive use of force will cause alienation and discord.
To be on the good side of this, just ask yourself, “What needs be improved?”
Think about it for a little while and then make it happen.

This is a Leo New Moon. Self esteem is important. Over-exaggeration and vanity are likely. There will be a marked tendency to over rate one’s sense of importance. Sometimes it is hard to be humble! There will be distinct confrontations over change and the ways to make it happen. Confusion is rampant. Evasive thinking and unreliable words and strategies prevail. There will also be a strong sense of impatience and recklessness.
Any expression of violence will likely invoke a greater reaction. Good things can be accomplished but it will be tricky. It will not happen by force or by pride. One must take a moment and pause before one acts, and when one acts, one needs to be harmonious, smooth and non-threatening.

Taking some time to meditate or chant will calm the individual and strengthen the spirit. In order to stay in the light one must hold it carefully within. It will be all too easy for one to deplete one’s reserves and inner light. There is no need to throw pearls before swine! Take a few moments to make sure that the people being helped are worthy…. and that you yourself are worthy!
If you reinforce and centre the feelings in your heart, noble causes will be championed.
This will not be a good time for laziness or inertia.
Make room for some silence, meditation, or some chanting on this new moon and you will be better able to secure your heart and the love of people around you.

No one ever loses from chanting, meditation or prayer. New moons are the seed moments of the month. Chanting on a new moon insures a greater spiritual integrity for the month ahead, and it also opens one up to an inner stream of visions and heartfelt feelings. It will reinforce faith!

Hari Om.

Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om,


PS. If you want to read older New Moon newsletters they are on line at look under chanting and then under new moon chanting. is our new site on chanting and meditation. I hope you will check it out.

******* Also a special note: A free scholarship program to pay for studying astrology is being introduced. Two people per country will be eligible; in Canada, two per province or territory; in the US, two per state. To find out more go to *******

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