Saturday, March 3, 2012



ARIES: MAR. 21 to APR. 20:
Aries will experience a significant increase in restlessness. It will be very hard for you to exercise restraint, especially in personal expressions. You will be hyped up, rebellious and quick to judge. Does your mind control you or do you control your mind? You will be inclined to put your ideas into action without reflecting on the repercussions. Fools do rush in!
The Full Moon of Mar. 8th will be a relatively uneventful one. The pen is mightier than the sword and facebook is faster! The New Moon of Mar. 22nd will be the most sensitive and powerful one of the year for Aries. Trust your instincts and do your own thing!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Mar. 21st and 28th you will be exceptionally hyper. It is not likely that you will be sleeping much. Ideas without action are just dust in the wind. It is time to make a personal decision and do something about it. Inaction will only increase anxiety. Action has the potential for a big break through/

TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21
This March marks the most positive month for Taureans in many years! Love, beauty and abundance are within reach. You need to trust your tastes and values. They will attract good things to you. Your initiatives will bring appreciation and rewards. At its worst this will be an overindulgent month. Grin and bear it!
The Full Moon of Mar. 8th will be a positive one. Trust your instincts and go for what you want. The New Moon of Mar. 22nd will be a relatively uneventful one. You will be the presence of calm and contentment against the background of worldly anxiety. This is no time to follow others.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Apr. 27th and May 4th then this will be the month when good fortune comes your way. Opportunity is knocking. You simply need to reach out and take advantage of it. New horizons are opening up for you. Make the most of them. This will be good for promotions, purchases, and even getting pregnant! It will also be good for travelling.

GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:
The Full Moon of Mar. 8th will be a stressful one for you. Your timing will be off and you will attract arguments. The New Moon of Mar. 22nd will be a positive one. You will get the opportunity to prove your point! Try not to rub it in to strongly! Don’t look back!
Special Focus:
Those Geminis born between May 25th and June 3 will be mechanically impaired this month. Expect difficulties and delays. Anger will prove to be the forerunner of obstacles arising. Try to work out a little in the morning to burn of some of the excess energy. Keep well rested and move out of the way. Do not contend!

You will have difficulty putting up with the insensitive comments of others. You will be inclined to over react and worry excessively. The solution this month is to slow down and count your blessings. Enjoy some of the good things that you have. The less expressive you will be, the more you will be able to accomplish. Strive to fix things rather than talk about them.
The Full Moon of Mar. 8th will be a positive one. Keep busy and follow your instincts. The New Moon of Mar. 22nd will be a stressful one. Avoid arguments and intense discussions. Expect mechanical problems and delays.
Special Focus:
Those of you born between June 21st and 30th will be very restless and impatient. It will be difficult for you to sleep. Being physical will diminish your worries. Little improvements regularly will accomplish more than great endeavours rushed at. Try not to empower your worries. Keep your feelings to yourself.

LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:
Enthusiasm should abound this month and you need to go with it. This is however an overindulgent and even lazy month for you. You will be inclined to over spend and over indulge. Enjoy the exchange of radical ideas. This represents the high energy of the month for you. Two things to avoid:  1. getting too comfortable, and 2. pontificating!
The Full Moon of Mar. 8th will be a relatively uneventful one. Communications will be highlighted. The New Moon of Mar. 22nd will be a positive one. Your timing is good. Trust your instincts and take the initiative.
Special Focus:
Those Leos born between Jul 23 and 31 will have a refreshing and exciting month. There is a need for you to do something different. Get out and take in some live entertainment. Go where it will be exciting. This is not the time to be a couch potato! Act on your ideas. You will have little tolerance for boredom. Make something happen! Make a difference!

VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23:
The Force will stay with Virgo for this month and it will be backed up with good luck. Whatever you initiate you will benefit from. You will be romantically magnetic. This is your time to make the move. Active and assertive, you will strut through this month. This will be an excellent month for making money and increasing profits, but through your actions, not by speculation!
The Full Moon of Mar. 8th will bring mixed signals to the surface for most Virgos. Strong impulses will surface, but there are questionable loyalties around you. Do your own thing! Trust your instincts. The New Moon of Mar. 22nd will be a relatively uneventful one for Virgos. Keep active but don’t align to the restlessness of others.
Special Focus:
The Virgos born between Aug. 27 and Sept. 3 will be really assertive this month. Take the initiative. It is your move. One action will be worth a thousand words. Count your actions not your words! Opportunities surround you. Be spontaneous! The traffic light is green. Why would you wait? even for a moment?

LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:
Don’t get caught up in the craziness of the world around you. Be patient! Be prepared to juggle and put it more time than you expected to. A little pause before you start anything will prove valuable. There is no music without restraint! The words of others will be unstable. This will be a month when silence will be golden!
The Full Moon of Mar. 8th will be a relatively uneventful one. Hold onto tranquility. Don’t rush! The New Moon of Mar. 22nd will be a stressful one for Librans. Don’t argue! Don’t explain! Don’t talk! Don’t speed!
Special Focus:
If your birthday falls between Sept. 23 and 30 then this will be a month of instability and sudden let downs. The hype will far greater than the reality. Do not act on the information that comes your way. Let it go by. If you have to force something, then it will probably not be worth doing. Don’t panic! Don’t over react! Let go! It is not your move!

SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:
Poor choices will prove costly this month. You ability to be satisfied will be impaired. Your capacity to complain will be exaggerated. Hell has no fury like a Scorpio scorned! The best way to maneuver through this month successfully is to keep busy. You will be able to accomplish a lot, but rewards will not be immediate. They will come later!
The Full Moon of Mar. 8th will be a positive one for most Scorpios. Trust your instincts! If something needs to be done, just get it done so that you won’t have to think about it any more. The New Moon of Mar. 22nd will be a relatively uneventful one. Don’t invest or cater to the hype that is going on around you.
Special Focus:
Those Scorpios born between Oct. 30th and Nov. 6th will be trying too hard to get what they want. You expectations will be too high. You will be inclined to spend or act out of obsessive impulse. Do not let dissatisfaction guide your decisions. You can’t always get what you want, but you get what you need!

There will be an increase of excitement for most Sagittarians this month but also an increase in adversity. New ideas and directions will surface, but there will be battles to fight before you can really go with them. Your patience will be low and your tolerance will be lower. It is better for you to keep active. Work hard and sleep well!
The Full Moon of Mar. 8th will be a stressful one for Sagittarians. Hurry up! Take your time! Hurry up! Take your time! The New Moon of Mar. 22nd will be a positive one. New options will arise. If you want them, don’t ask if it is ok. Just do it and let the chips fall where they may. Self reliance will be important!
Special Focus:
Those Sagittarians born between Nov. 28th and Dec. 8 will encounter a lot of stress this month. You will be quick to react and sarcastic in your expressions. The more you push, the more resistance you will encounter. You will be prone to mechanical problems as well. Keep well rested and give yourself extra time to get places. Try not to contend!

CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:
This will be a very positive month for Capricorns as long as you don’t talk about it! Your charisma and sex appeal will be high. If you move impatiently or quickly you will lose respect. If you just go with the flow, good things will come unasked for. A smile and a helping hand will win hearts and overcome great obstacles.
The Full Moon of Mar. 8th will be a positive one. Trust your instincts! Make an effort to smile and be courteous! The New Moon of Mar. 22nd will be a stressful one for Capricorns. Someone is likely to upset your plans. Don’t react on impulse. A good defense will win championships.
Special Focus:
If your birthday falls between Dec. 22 and 28, then this will be a very restless and unsettled month. Sudden changes will occur. Let them be. It will not be worth it for you to fight. Move out of the way. Let go of the past! Calm down! Allow others to get the results of their own actions. Don’t meddle!

AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:
Haste makes waste! While there are no major obstacles facing you this month, there will be a tendency to get too comfortable and overindulge. The battle for Aquarians this month will be with their waistline and anyone who suggests they should do something they don’t want to do. Too much of a good thing will spoil it! It will be difficult to save money this money. Try not to splurge!
The Full Moon of Mar. 8th will be an uneventful one. No big hassles! Mostly calm! The New Moon of Mar. 22nd will be a positive one. Excitement will prevail. Get out of the house. Be active. Take the initiative!
Special Focus:
Those of you born between Jan 27th and Feb.3 will tempted to compromise your principles this month. You are inclined to want things unconditionally and to spend without any discrimination. Misunderstandings will increase. The work will be to keep them at a minimum. Don’t preach to others! Live up to your own principles.

PISCES: FEB. 19 to MAR. 20:
Both beauty and harshness will raise their heads this month for Pisceans. You will be very popular and will attract what you desire. Unfortunately someone may be threatened by your actions. If you are going to enjoy yourself, don’t do it in front of discontented people. Your energy level will be low and irritable. It will seem as if two extremes are at your doorstep. Avoid loud and aggressive people. Don’t draw undue attention to yourself. Drive carefully!
The Full Moon of Mar. 8th will bring conflicting energies to the surface. No good will come from anger. Just smile and move out of the way! The New Moon of Mar. 22nd will be relatively uneventful. Don’t throw good energy out to people that do not deserve it.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Feb. 23rd and Mar. 4th then you will be likely to encounter mechanical problems and delays this month. You are trying too hard and pushing when you need to relax. If you have to force something, you will probably spoil it. If someone else forces issues they wil spoil them. Keep your expectations of yourself and others to a minimum.

Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at  or phone (905) 841-8565, or visit the website at

The RASA School of Astrology is continuing its scholarship program, whereby the full tuition for the four year study program is paid for. Anyone can apply, but special preference will be given to single parents, to those financially challenged or living in isolated areas, or those with special needs.  Fifty-nine full and partial scholarships have just been awarded, and more will be announced on Mar. 21. To apply go to and send in an email from there.

Robin will organize special outings and drum circles to the Forest Woodhenge. Call if you are interested. 905-841-8565.

Every month 3 lucky winners will be chosen from Robin’s email list. The prize this month is a thirty page interpretation of your horoscope. For a chance to win send an email to Robin. Once you are on the list you will be eligible win every month.

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