Sunday, May 23, 2010


ARIES: MAR. 21 to APR. 20:
The tide is turning. This month there will be a challenge of mind over matter. Trust your mind rather than your sense of force. A good sense of humour will accomplish more than direct confrontation or the use of force. You will be more popular in the last half of the month than in the first.
The New Moon of Jun 12th will be a positive one. The Full Moon Eclipse of Jun 26th will be a stressful one. Your impulses and initiatives will likely upset the conservative balance of things. Do not ridicule anyone. Just move away.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Mar 20 and 21 you are experiencing tremendous restlessness and even anxiety. You will feel like old circumstances are falling away. You could be easily let down by someone. There is a need to break free and go with the new.

TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21
The theme for this month for Taureans is “If you have to force things or make an extra effort, then it probably isn’t worth it!” Be selective about what you ask for. All that glitters is not gold. Be patient and things will be easier for you to do in the last half of the month. Do not rely on those who are unreliable.
The New Moon of Jun 12th will be an easy one. Trust your instincts and go with the flow. The Full Moon Eclipse Jun 26th will be an insignificant one for you. There will be a tendency to overindulge!
Special Focus:
If you were born between May 17 and 21, then this will be a very confusing time. Your energy is very confused right now and it will be difficult for you to discriminate properly. Big schemes mean big problems. Strive for simplicity and self reliance.

GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:
This June you ability to express yourself well is highlighted. You must however take care to avoid contentious issues. Arguments once started will escalate. Your popularity is improving so there is no need to rush. Haste makes waste and will attract speeding tickets. Don’t make promises and you won’t be blamed when they don’t come true.
The New Moon of Jun 12th will be a most sensitive and powerful one. Do not contend! The Full Moon Eclipse Jun 26th will be relatively uneventful. You are inclined to be a little klutzy!.
Special Focus:
If your birthday fall between Jun 17 and 21 then this will be a month of serious pressure. There is a need to take care of responsibilities and a tendency to get depressed about it. You have to adjust your goals and make a greater effort to take care of your own circumstances.

For Cancers born in June, this will be a challenging month as your sense of security will likely be threatened. Hold steady. Say nothing! Cancers born In July will have a positive month where you will reap benefits from whatever you direct your energies towards. This is a good time for you. Go with the flow.
The New Moon of Jun 12th will be a relatively uneventful one. Avoid sudden reactions. The Full Moon Eclipse Jun 26th will bring contradictory energies your way. Sensitivities will increase, but there is the likelihood that you will see startling new vulnerabilities.
Special Focus:
If your birthday is between June 21 and 25, then these are days of confrontation and worry. Your security is threatened and you will have to do a reality check on your life. You have to face things directly and be truthful. It is not wrong to feel fear but it is not advisable to make decisions based on fear.

LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:
You will be easily tempted to sway from your proper path. You can look, but you better not touch! Timing is a big issue here. Be patient. Your circumstances will start to improve as the month evolves. There is no need for you to get worked up or angry. Just be cool. The powers of charm will replace the necessity of force.
The New Moon of Jun 12th will be a positive one. Communication is highlighted. If you want something, just ask! The Full Moon Eclipse Jun 26th will be a relatively uneventful one. A smile will overcome any obstacles that surface.
Special Focus:
If you were born between August 18 and 23 it will seem as if you are running in a fog. Your energy level is high but your sense of direction is impaired and gullible. Keep things simple. Do not increase confusion or guilt!

VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23:
There is a need to pause and reflect for the fist week, but after that, you need to take the initiative. Don’t try to explain yourself, just do it. One action is worth a thousand words! Deal with it. Words spoken will increase the adversity and complicate matters. Be direct. Be assertive. Be silent …… if you can!
The New Moon of Jun 12th will be a difficult one for most Virgos. The energy is argumentative and frivolous. Do not empower the voice of contention. The Full Moon Eclipse Jun 26th will be a positive one. Trust your instincts!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Sept 19 and 23 then these are times when you need to define your goals. It is time to make decisions. A new commitment is emerging now. Be serious and move forward. Don’t let past disruptions hold you back.

LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:
June will be a flip flopping month for most Librans. The first half of the month your ability to make good choices will be impaired but your mind will be sharp. You are likely to over spend or waste what you have. The second half of the month your thinking will be out of synch and your ability to make good choices will shine.
The New Moon of Jun 12th will be a positive New Moon for Libras. Trust your instincts! The Full Moon Eclipse Jun 26th will be a difficult one. Prevailing power struggles and security complexes will disturb your equilibrium. Maintain a low profile and do not contend!
Special Focus:
If your birthday is between Sept. 23 and 29 then this will be a challenging month for you. Your confidence is shaky. Your expectations are not likely to be met. You could easily be let down by someone. It is important that you hold on to the bitter pill of truth. Don’t throw energy back where it doesn’t belong. A new outlook or approach to life is coming. Be true to yourself and let the chips fall where they will.

SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:
You will be giving out mixed signals for the first half of June. Try to keep things simple and straight forward. During the last half of the month you will be struggling with personal discontent. This is a good month to stop eating one mouthful before you are satisfied. For the month of June less will be better than more!
The New Moon of Jun 12th will be a relatively uneventful one. Just go with the flow. The Full Moon Eclipse Jun 26th will be a positive one. You will have a steadying influence on those around you. You will be inclined to overspend and overindulge.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Nov. 17 and 26 then this is a month when confusion abounds. It will be hard to find anyone who is reliable. Difficult enough to be reliable yourself. Don’t make promises. Keep things simple. Big schemes imply big trouble right now. It is better to simplify for the time being.

If you snooze you lose! This month your timing will be off. You are inclined to exaggerate and incorrectly assess your social circumstances. If you start to get critical, there will be no end to it. Let sleeping dogs lie. Keep your comments to yourself. If you speak hastily you will sooner or later have to eat your words.
The New Moon of Jun 12th will be the most difficult one of the year for Sagittarians. Nothing good will come from anger. Drive carefully. The Full Moon Eclipse Jun 26th will be a relatively uneventful one. If you don’t stir up trouble, it will probably stay away from your doorstep.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Dec. 18 and 22, then this is a time when a new perspective is dawning in your life. There are pressures forcing you to get serious. It is time to work hard. You are inclined to overestimate your situation. The challenge is to maintain restraint and self discipline for a little while longer.

CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:
Alarms signals are going off. Maintain control. Do not try to explain where you are. Be silent and observe the adversity well. A good defense will usually win championship games. Trust your own self discipline and be patient. Loose lips will sink ships! Even in the midst of sudden change, it is of value to pause for a moment.
The New Moon of Jun 12th will be an uneventful one. Just relax and take it easy. The Full Moon Eclipse Jun 26th will bring mixed signals to the surface. Strong intuitions will arise in the midst of people who you cannot share them with. Silence is golden.
Special Focus:
If you were born on Dec. 22 or 23, then this is a time when Murphy’s Law will seem to be your companion. Sudden disruptions to your plans and goals are likely. It there is a challenge or confrontation, you are not likely to win it. Back off and let things go. What is falling away needs to fall away so that you can make forward progress again. Let go!

AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:
Pause before you push forward. The tide is changing. Once you are past the first week, much of the adversity and most of the frustrating delays will also be a thing of the past. Now you will be able to extend your influence simply by talking. It will finally become apparent that your sense of humour and good will is returning.
The New Moon of Jun 12th will be a positive one. You will be listened to and appreciated. The Full Moon Eclipse Jun 26th will be a relatively uneventful one. You will be vulnerable to poor emotional instincts.
Special Focus:
Those of you born between Feb. 16 and 19 are under going a vision quest. You are seeing things differently. You will appear gullible and over-idealistic to others, but it really is your time to get a vision or some insight about where you are going to and what’s next. Just because others do not agree does not mean that you are not meant to follow your dream!

PISCES: FEB. 19 to MAR. 20:
The way will seem blocked. Your sense of cool will suffer. Impatience will increase difficulties. Give yourself extra time to go places. You will attract mechanical problems and speeding tickets. This is not your month to lead. Stay in the background. Keep well rested. And don’t complain about the behaviour of others.
The New Moon of Jun 12th will also be a difficult one. Your timing will be off. Don’t trust your instincts. The Full Moon Eclipse Jun 26th will be a positive one. Go with the flow, but do not contend. Move away from arguments. Drive carefully.
Special Focus:
If your birthday falls between March 17 and 20 then this is a time of excellent opportunities. Good connections are likely to fall in your lap, but there is a need for you to maintain respect and some restraint. If you push ahead too fast, you will run into unforeseen expenses. Don’t turn away good opportunities, but take a few days to reflect on the implications and time demands.

Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at or phone (905) 841-8565, or visit the website at

Every month 3 lucky winners will be chosen from Robin’s email list. The prize this month is a thirty page interpretation of your horoscope. For a chance to win send an email to Robin. Once you are on the list you will be eligible win every month.

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