Saturday, April 30, 2011

CHANTING HARI OM Newsletter, May 2011

Hari Om,

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The exact New Moon occurs on Tuesday, May 3, at 2:51 AM (EDT), (May 3, at 12:21 PM in Gujarat) in the I Ching hexagram “Treading, Conduct”. Included below are the relevant interpretation segments of the hexagram from my ebook The I Ching: The Sequence of Change, An Astrological Perspective. (Can be ordered online at

The I Ching hexagram that the New Moon is happening in is:
(The graphics accompanying this newsletter can be seen on line at or )


Zodiac: 12° - 15° Taurus
Calendar: May 2 to May 5 approx
House 11: 132° - 135° rising from IC
Time of day: 08:48 to 09:00 AM (Local Mean Time or Sun Dial time)
Aspect: 132° - 135° Waxing (Sesquiquadrate - applying)
Moon Phase: Waxing Half Moon Phase (90° - 135°)
(7 to 10 ½ days after the New Moon).

Heaven above, the lake below.
Confidence and happiness.
Strong indulgence.
One is capable of taking things too far.

Strong laughter. Strong Desires.
The strength of happiness is difficult to resist.
One gets what one wants.
Go with the moment.
To force satisfaction is to spoil it.
If you want something too much, it is better to leave it alone.
Accentuate the positive.
Creative expressions will bring honour.
Vulgar expressions will bring humiliation.

Active without, indulgent within.
Strong pleasures.
Too many enjoyable activities will lead one astray.
In the midst of indulgence, virtue is easily compromised.
One must be strong indeed, to control one’s desires,
And unfortunately one must want to.
If one is to succeed, what one does will be seen.
What one doesn’t do will also be known.
If one is self serving, who will be attracted?
Who will care?

The third daughter to her father.
The third daughter wants to play with her father,
But she is inclined to play too much.
She assumes familiarity and acts on her desires.
He is strong and independent.
He will like to play as long as he is not inconvenienced.
She likes to have fun but does not know when to stop.
He is good for short spurts of time, but does not like to feel obliged.
She makes her father laugh
And when she is not too assertive
He will show appreciation.

The light is established for all to see.
Trees are blossoming and flowers are blooming.
Individual pleasures predominate.
It is important to understand the nature of the times.
Significant effort is needed to plant seeds
Or the harvest will be diminished.
Work in good cheer and the seeds will be happy
And grow content!


Nine in the first place: (12° - 13° Taurus)
A good start to a good day.
Too nice to stay at home.
Spread happiness. Smile.

The first place: 12° - 13° Taurus: 8. Holding Together
Holding together.
Teamwork will solve problems
And minimize difficulties.
A sense of belonging will increase confidence.

Nine in the first place:
One moves to get what one wants.
One is full of confidence,
And will use one’s resources freely.

In the outer world these days, it is easy to observe how people, countries and corporations are treading. Unfortunately noble conduct and simple actions have become less frequent.
In Japan the issues of Government and corporate conduct has come into question regarding the nuclear plant accident. Around the world many governments are simply pushing for what they want, and the quality of how they are treading suffers. Whether in the newspapers or on the web most of the information is simply gossip or manipulative expression. Where is the standard for treading with good conduct. Where is the conduct that can lead to greater peace?
The magnificence of spring is upon us. This is the time of planting seeds and blossoming new growth. When there is great turmoil in an area, people tread fearfully and there is often not enough stability to allow for planting. If seeds are not planted in spring there will be starvation and want in the fall and winter to come. Those who understand, tread accordingly, and those who don’t tread into folly and disaster.
For what purpose do you tread as you go along your merry or not so merry way? And what will result from your conduct? There are actions that are healing or helpful, and those that are not. On what path do you tread?
Truly this is the Age of Kali or darkness and arguments. Self interest and selfishness prevail over humanitarian or spiritual directions. Even spiritual direction is often misguided in self-interest and self preservation. How far will this go? Where will it end? What can one possibly do about it?
One can strive to find those who tread worthily and align or emulate them. One can share rather than hoard. One can help rather than hurt.
Life is a play of karma. What happens to us is usually the result of how we have been treading, or from the accumulation of past actions, good and bad. Right now, many people want peace and freedom and are ready to kill to get it. Unfortunately many of these same people are not prepared to accept a peaceful solution or even compromise. The world seems lost in battles over ownership and power. What can a simple person do?
If a person lives an unpretentious life without aspiring to take advantage of others, they might approach worthiness. Good conduct is less about getting rewards and more about finding contentment and a clear conscience. A good night’s sleep is a great reward of good conduct.
Only a few masters over the centuries have mastered the art of appropriate treading and good conduct. If you haven’t conducted yourself appropriately 100% of the time, how can you judge someone else’s conduct. If you have conducted yourself 100% appropriately, then you will probably not judge anyone else conduct. We truly reap what we sow. What we put out comes back and what we don’t put out comes back, or accumulates until it comes back in a larger manner.
The challenge is to conduct yourself as well as you can. If we can improve the quality of our motivation and the guidance of our life, we would change the world in real terms, and perhaps even set a standard for better conduct.

This is a Taurus New Moon and if we are able to show appreciation for the struggles and efforts of others, a new seed will be planted and a great tree could develop. Taurus represents the pleasures and passions of spring, as well as the abundance of new beginnings. If we plant good seeds, a good harvest becomes possible. If we maintain and cultivate those seeds a better harvest is secured.

In astrology the horoscope, or our destiny is like a giant tree. A simple human seed, nurtured and cultivated will result in a great tree. This is an unusual tree, however, because its roots are in the heavens and the leaves and blossoms reach down to the earth.
The nourishment of this tree comes from its ten great roots, represented by the sun, moon and planets. It is the gods of old and the functions that they represent, that are the roots of this tree. As we emulated the gods (planets) we can elevate our natures. We can even learn to tune into and assist the gods themselves. We can learn to live and conduct ourselves divinely. The horoscope provides the map, but treading the path must be done individually.
When peace prevails, life prospers. We only have so much time here. How much can we afford to waste? If you do not maintain peace within yourself, how are you going to find it without? If you do not tread peacefully, how are you treading, and where will you go?
Even great tasks requiring much effort can be done peacefully. If one can find inner peace, many doorways will open.

New Moons are the seed moments of each month. What we do on a new moon will have a profound effect on the rest of the month. Chanting and prayer are tools that can help us to detach from negative thoughts and worries. These are very useful tools indeed. The reason that there is so much darkness and violence in this Age of Kali is that there are so many people living dark lives and treading accordingly. If you can maintain the light within, then you will be well equipped to face the darkness without. If you can chant or pray for about an hour or two on the new moon, a strong seed of peace and inner depth will be planted. This seed will grow across the month and guide your actions. Even to take some time to be silent and not think or worry, will have a beneficial effect.

For me chanting allows me to fight my over active mind and be quiet. If nothing else it is a good beginning and helps me to tread a little more lightly in the world.

Hari Om.

Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om,


PS. If you want to read older New Moon newsletters they are on line at or on look under chanting and then under new moon chanting. is our new site on chanting and meditation. I hope you will check it out.

******* Also a special note: A free scholarship program to pay for studying astrology is being introduced. Two people per country will be eligible; in Canada, two per province or territory; in the US, two per state. To find out more go to *******

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