Friday, April 22, 2011


ARIES: MAR. 21 to APR. 20:
Opportunity continues to knock for most Aries while Jupiter remains in Aries. The first half of the month you will be aggressive. Your energy level will be high. You need to use it. The Force will be with you. What will you do with it? You will start to slow down towards the end of the month. Don’t waste your time!
The New Moon of May 3rd will be one of little stress for Aries. But there will also be little patience and high energy. Just go for it! The Full Moon of May 17th will also be a relatively insignificant one. Your energy level will much lower and you will be calmer. There is no need to over achieve. Count your blessings.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Apr. 11th and 20th then lady luck is smiling at you. You will be blessed by heaven. Nothing that does not further!

TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21
For the first 11 days of May, Taureans need to exercise patience. Don’t rush after things or try to prove yourself. Just relax and wait. The tide will turn on May 12 as Mars enters Taurus. The Force will be with you. If you have something important to do, do it in the last half of the month. There will be a surge of popularity and energy. Make the most of it!
The New Moon of May 3rd will be the most significant lunation of the year for Taureans. Take a few moments out to smell the flowers. The Full Moon of May 17th will bring contradictory energies to the surface. The force will be with you. Accentuate the positive. Do not give energy to the negative.
Special Focus:
Taureans born between April 20 and May 5 will feel a strong surge of energy as the month evolves. It is your move. Don’t slow down. If you want something, this is a good time to go after it! You will be very attractive to the opposite sex this month.

GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:
Smooth sailing for the first half of the month, after which there will be a tendency to go out on tangents. It will be easy to start things but hard to complete them. Luck will be on your side but you do need to be aware of when to let go of things that no longer belong. Quick adjustments will work in your favour.
The New Moon of May 3rd will be a relatively stress free one, but there will be many opportunities for you to make a good impression on others. The Full Moon of May 17th will be uneventful. Leave things that don’t concern you well enough alone.
Special Focus:
Those of you born between May 21 and 22 will continue to be gullible and out of focus. Big schemes and big promises spell Trouble! This is a good month to keep things simple and maintain a low profile. Keep your comments to yourself. Don’t make promises!

The first half of the month will be highly stressful. If you respond in anger you will increase the resistance. This will be an accident prone time where patience will be lacking. There will be a remarkable shift by mid-month when things will start to flow much smoother. Get the hard work done early in the month. It will make the last half more enjoyable.
The New Moon of May 3rd will be a positive one. There will be stress around you. Trust your feelings and stay calm. Accentuate the positive. The Full Moon of May 17th will also be positive. Your initiatives will gain momentum and popularity.
Special Focus:
It will be the Cancers born in July who will be the most irritable this month, at least during the first half of the month. Try to keep well rested and do not express any anger if responsibilities are increased. Two steps back, three steps forward. Make an effort to drive defensively.

LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:
Smooth sailing will continue for Leos. By mid month some choppy water will surface and cause some irritation. Go with the flow, but when the pressure starts to build, you will have to start making a greater effort. The challenge will be to make this effort without complaining or blaming others. If a hassle surfaces, just deal with it.
The New Moon of May 3rd will be a stressful one. Don’t let yourself get lazy or sloppy. Trust your mind rather than your instincts. The Full Moon of May 17th will also be a stressful one for Leos. Tension will escalate as will the complaints. Don’t contend!
Special Focus:
Those Leos born between July 23 and Aug. 5 will be the ones most stressed out this month. Mechanical problems are likely. Give yourself extra time to get places and keep well rested. A little sweat equity will be required of you.

VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23:
Things will go from good to better this month for Virgos. There will be little or no adversity. The challenge will be to keep on track and not get dissipated in too many directions. Be direct and keep things simple for the first half of the month and you should be coasting during the last half. Take some time out to smell the roses!
The New Moon of May 3rd will be a positive one. Be straight forward and upfront in your dealings with others. The Full Moon of May 17th will be harmonious and even lucky for you. Just go with the flow!
Special Focus:
If your birthday falls between Aug. 23 and 24th then this will continue to be a very disorienting time for you. You are gullible and do not have reliable people around you. Avoid making promises. Big schemes spell trouble. Keep a low profile.

LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:
The month starts out stormy and upsetting. You will be easily irritated and sign of impatience will surface. Just keep busy and work hard. Don’t complain or ask for sympathy. Much of this adversity will fall away by mid-month. A general rule of thumb would be not to throw good energy after bad.
The New Moon of May 3rd will be an awkward one for Libras. Avoid arguments and heated discussions. The Full Moon of May 17th will be relatively uneventful. Those who have been giving you a hard time are moving away. Let them go!
Special Focus:
If your birthday falls in September then this will be a very upsetting month. You will feel let down by someone. Sudden change and shock prevails. Let go! Move on! And don’t look back. What no longer belongs is falling away. This will not be a good time to speculate or take risks!

SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:
Out of the frying pan and into the fire! If you have something you need to do, get it done in the first half of the month. The last half will be confrontational and frustrating. Obstacles and delays will surface. The angrier you get, the worse things will become. Keep your comments to yourself and don’t complain!
The New Moon of May 3rd will be will be a difficult one. Don’t trust your instincts or it will cost you. You can always get what you want! The Full Moon of May 17th will bring contradictory energies to the surface. You will be very sensitive and yet you will attract opposition. Look before you leap!
Special Focus:
Those Scorpios born in October will undergo the most stress this month. Irritable you will be! Argumentative you will be! Graceful you will not be! If the Force is not with you, why try to use it? Back off and recharge. Save your response for a time when you can win!

May will be an excellent month for Sagittarians. Energy levels are positive, momentum will be spontaneous and enthusiasm will abound. The bigger challenge will be to stay focused and avoid spinning out in too many directions. Be happy! Spread the good cheer! This will also be a very good month for travelling.
The New Moon of May 3rd will be a positive one for Sagittarians. High energy! Spontaneous charm! It may be hard for you to complete what you start. The Full Moon of May 17th will be a relatively uneventful one for you. Just keep it simple! Accentuate the positive!.
Special Focus:
Those Sagittarians born between Nov. 22 and 23 will be gullible and out of touch with reality. Expectations will be too high. Keep things simple and self reliant. If you don’t set yourself up then you won’t be let down. Big schemes spell trouble. Some discrimination will be needed. Keep busy!

CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:
Hard work and sweat will be needed during the first half of the month. In this time you will be under pressure and easily irritated. Get the hard work done early in the month. In the last half, the pressure lifts. Both your circumstances and your attitude will improve. In this later phase of the month you will be coasting. Relax and enjoy yourself!
The New Moon of May 3rd will be a positive one for you. It will be important for you to avoid arguments and heated discussions. Why make things more difficult? The Full Moon of May 17th will be a very positive one. You will be blessed with charm and intelligence. Trust your own style!
Special Focus:
If your birthday falls between Jan. 1 and 4 then this will be a month of serious considerations. You will be feeling pressured. The weight of responsibility will be heavy. This is a time for you to adjust your goals. You need to make decisions and cut back on time demands that are diminishing your efficiency and leading no where.

AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:
Choppy waters. The tide is about to turn. The month will start out smooth and easy going but it will end up being stress filled and hard working. This means back to the grindstone. Enjoy the good energy while it lasts, but when it shifts be prepared to make a greater effort. Keeping well rested will help you to manage your anger levels.
The New Moon of May 3rd will be a stressful one for most Aquarians. Don’t let personal habits slow down the energy output. The Full Moon of May 17th will also be stressful one. Your tolerance of others will be short. Mechanical problems are likely. Curb your sarcasm.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Jan. 20 and Feb. 4 you will be forced out of your comfort zone this month. Remember that it is no one else’s fault. It is just time to start making a greater effort. If you voice your discontent, your stress level will increase. Drive carefully. Don’t speed!

PISCES: FEB. 19 to MAR. 20:
Your circumstances will go from good to better this month. There is little or no adversity. Make the most of it! Try to increase the amount of beauty that you see and hear. Don’t worry about the big concerns. Just enjoy what is at your doorstep. Smile and the world will smile with you. This is a charming month for Pisces, so use your charm!
The New Moon of May 3rd will be a positive one. You will be appreciated for your tastes and your style. The Full Moon of May 17th will also be positive. Deep feelings of appreciation and support prevail.
Special Focus:
If you are a Pisces and were born on February 19th or 20th the times of vision quest are here. What do you see? Your options should be opening up. Faith should be increasing. A little kindness will have huge ramifications. There is a need for some self reliance, but there is also a need for a greater adventure and perspective. Have faith in yourself! You are worth it!

Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at or phone (905) 841-8565, or visit the website at

Every month 3 lucky winners will be chosen from Robin’s email list. The prize this month is a thirty page interpretation of your horoscope. For a chance to win send an email to Robin. Once you are on the list you will be eligible win every month.

1 comment:

  1. Taureans born between April 20 and May 5 will feel a strong surge of energy as the month evolves. It is your move. Don’t slow down. If you want something, this is a good time to go after it! You will be very attractive to the opposite sex this month.
