Sunday, August 28, 2011

CHANTING HARI OM Newsletter, August 28, 2011

CHANTING HARI OM Newsletter, August 28, 2011

Hari Om,

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      The exact New Moon eclipse occurs on Sunday, Aug. 28, at 11:04 PM (EDT), (Aug. 29, at 8:34 AM in Gujarat) in the I Ching hexagram “Deliverance”. Included below are the relevant interpretation segments of the hexagram from my ebook The I Ching: The Sequence of Change, An Astrological Perspective. (Can be ordered online at Also available is my new book I Ching: Great Treatise: An Astrological Perspective.

The I Ching hexagram that the New Moon is happening in is: Deliverance
(The graphics accompanying this newsletter can be seen on line at or )


Zodiac:            00° - 06° Virgo
Calendar:          Northern Hemisphere: Aug 23 to Aug 29 approx
                        Southern Hemisphere: Feb 19 to Feb 25 approx
House 7:          120° - 114° setting to IC
Time of day:     04:00 to 04:24 PM (Local Mean Time or Sun Dial time)
Aspect:           120° - 114° Waning (Trine - separating)
Moon Phase:    Waning Half Moon Phase (135° - 90°)
                        (3½ to 7 days after the Full Moon).

Thunder above, water below.
Thunder in the storm.
Excitement without and discrimination within.
Any sudden movement will invoke criticism.
To get free of danger, one must move away from it.
If there are damages, one must fix them quickly.

Freedom from the storm.
Lightning and thunder.
One is shaken to the core.
Obscure emotions are released.
Shock!  Danger!
Sudden movement.
To rest in danger would be folly.
Don’t stay where you don’t belong.
If there is bad company move away.
Fears will not depart.
They are too big to face.
Move away!

Shock without, danger within.
Affirmative action.
Movement out of inadequacy.
Refusing to be held back by fear,
One moves before one feels ready.
If one sets doubts in motion,
One will encounter obstacles in every direction.
Through movement, worries will be left behind.

The second son to the first son.
The second son lives in the older brother’s shadow.
The second son is not strong enough to refuse.
The first son will challenge the second son’s limits.
The second son will be threatened by his older brother’s advances.
The second son will be critical about what the older brother does.
The first son will take advantage of the second son.
The second son will exercise discrimination. The first son will not follow.
The second son knows he will be threatened if he follows
And threatened if he does not.
Life will be better for the second son when the first son leaves home.
In time there will be deliverance.

One looks for freedom but is drawn to relationships.
One is pulled into critical thought and worry.
It becomes difficult to accept the faults of others.
Do everything required of you.
Do not leave it for another day.
Get it done so that you do not have to think about it.
Freedom will com when thoughts cease.


Six in the first place: (05° - 06° Virgo)
Doubt and inertia.
One reflects on the difficulties
And attempts to be prepared.
This will cause delays.
One will fall behind.

         The first place: 05° - 06° Virgo:  39. Obstruction
         The path is obscured.
         One looks but cannot see.
         Perspective is obscured by one’s own doubts.

                  Six in the first place:
                  One acts without adequate resources.
                  If the cause is worthy
                  And the intent virtuous
                  Support will come. 

This is the time of year when one has to start to work on the harvest. Difficulties will have to be dealt with as they arise. It does no good to be overwhelmed by inertia or doubt. Initiative is needed to make progress. If left alone the harvest will be diminished.
In one’s personal life, it becomes important to harvest the results of one’s efforts. In this case doubt will cause one to be diminished and should not be indulged. One needs to seize the moment, and make the necessary effort, without hesitation or reflection. It is time to look forward to what must be done, rather than backward to what has already happened. Positive initiatives will bring deliverance from old restricting forces. Arousing out of the doubt and darkness is the challenge of this new moon. What will heal? What will free us from the bonds of the past?

This is a Virgo new moon and the emphasis is on improvement. There is a marked tendency to lose focus and even to avoid facing the upcoming challenges. Keeping busy will help to keep you centred. Keep your enjoyments moderate and simple. Big schemes will cause big deceptions. It will be better for you to just keep busy and maintain simplicity. Don’t mind other people’s business! Question yourself before you criticize others.
The mind will be active and strong, but it will also be inclined to mislead you. Success on this new moon will come through silence. If you can keep the mind quiet, critical thoughts will not be able to arise. If critical thoughts do not arise, then one’s meditations will develop more clarity and strength.
Chanting is one of the best ways to control and silence the mind in this age of Kali or darkness. Chanting is a most effective tool for directing the mind away from worldly events and attachments. On this Virgo new moon one would be wise to use the tool of chanting to clean one’s psyche and enhance one’s soul.

No one ever loses from chanting, meditation or prayer. New moons are the seed moments of the month. Chanting on a new moon insures a greater spiritual integrity for the month ahead, and it also opens one up to an inner stream of visions and heartfelt feelings. It will reinforce faith!

Hari Om.

Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om,


PS. If you want to read older New Moon newsletters they are on line at look under chanting and then under new moon chanting. is our new site on chanting and meditation. I hope you will check it out.

******* Also a special note: A free scholarship program to pay for studying astrology is being introduced. Two people per country will be eligible; in Canada, two per province or territory; in the US, two per state. To find out more go to *******

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