Sunday, August 28, 2011



ARIES: MAR. 21 to APR. 20:
The first half of the month, Aries will be pushing too hard. The more you force things, the more interference you will encounter. Work hard and sleep well. The second half of the month you will be subject to bouts of overindulgence and poor judgement. Be careful what you ask for! You are inclined to be discontent and rowdy. Try to be civil and polite!
The Full Moon of Sept 12th will be an uneventful one as long as you can keep your cool. Be patient. The New Moon of Sept 27th will be a stressful one for Aries. Your instincts will be off. Try not to talk about your worries or frustrations. The less said, the better!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Mar. 23rd and 25th this month will be filled with moments of freedom and excitement mixed with confrontations and power struggles. Will you stay or will you go? You need to move away from the past but you should not underestimate the adversity. A direct action will be worth more than a thousand words!

TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21
It will be easy going for most Taureans until Sept. 19th after which pressure will begin to build again. Enjoy the first part of the month  but be prepared to make a greater effort at the end. It’s no big deal. You will simply be working harder and feeling a little more edgy. Try not to let the chores pile up!
The Full Moon of Sept 12th will be a positive one. Trust your feelings, relax and go with the flow. The New Moon of Sept 27th will be a relatively easy one as long as you can control your temper. Smile and try not to complain. Let the little things go.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Apr. 29th and May 1st then lady luck will be smiling on you this month.
It will be easy for you to attract new friends and good business deals. This is a time of expansion and new opportunities. It is good for traveling, making new acquisitions and it will also be an easy time to get pregnant or have a new member come into the family.

GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:
This will be a restless month for most Geminis. You will be inclined to talk too much and not know when to stop. You will be very sensitive to criticism. You will be rather wasteful and overindulgent for the first half of the month, but things will get smoother as the month evolves. If you are planning a special event, have it in the last week of September.

The Full Moon of Sept 12th will be a stressful one. You will have a poor sense of timing and will be somewhat disoriented. Silence is golden! The New Moon of Sept 27th will be a positive one for Geminis. The tide will have turned and the good times prevail. Enjoy yourself.
Special Focus:
Those of you born between May 21 and 26 will be particularly restless and excitable this month. There is a need to reach out and do something different, something exciting. If such an opportunity arises, go for it. Don’t try to explain or talk about it. Just do it.

The Force continues to be with Cancers this month. Energy will be abundantly available, but you will have to exercise some discipline to make the most of it. Anything that has real value in doing will require some consistent output of effort. If you hold back or snooze, you will lose. This is not the time to stay in the background and wait for others to do things. It is your move!
The Full Moon of Sept 12th will be a positive one. Keep busy and be productive. The New Moon of Sept 27th will be a very stressful one. Murphy’s law will rule. If something can go wrong it will. Expect abrupt changes to your plans. Don’t trust your instincts.
Special Focus:
Those of you born between June 21 and 27 will not have an easy time of it this month. There will be confrontations and disruptions. You need to hold on to what is true and let go of what is not. You are being challenged to do an audit of your life. The times they are a changing! To yourself be true.

LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:
This will be a very good month for most Leos. Your activity level will increase as the month evolves. You are simply on go, but there is value in upping your efforts week by week. After the 19th ,Mars will be in your sign. The Force will be with you. Make the most of it. The lights ahead of you will be green. Its your move!
The Full Moon of Sept 12th will be an insignificant for Leos. Not much stress! Smooth sailing!. The New Moon of Sept 27th will be a positive one. Your charm and charisma will be high. You will most likely get what you want.
Special Focus:
Those Leos born between Aug. 1 and 5 will be inclined to exaggerate or overindulge this month. Excesses could prove costly. Problems will escalate due to misunderstandings. This is not a good time for you to preach to others. It is a time when you need to discriminate about which opportunities are really valid or worthwhile. The best leader walks at the back of the line.

VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23:
September will prove to be a very positive month for Virgos, with little or no stress or opposition. You will be popular to the opposite sex and will pretty much get what you want with a smile and expressions of support for others. Communications will be highlighted. If you want something, just ask. If you have something to express, this will be a good month to express it.
The Full Moon of Sept 12th will be bring contradictory energies to the surface. You will need to avoid critical statements about other people’s feelings or sensitivities. The New Moon of Sept 27th will be a positive one. You will be able to calm down others who are caught up in worries.
Special Focus:
Virgo energy is clear this month. Those of you born between Aug. 23 and Sep.  9 will have the best time of it. Lady Luck is watching over you. Good opportunities will surface without effort on your part. It is as if you just have to go with the flow and you will benefit. If there is a problem it will come from feeling too lazy to bother. That would be a shame, because you would diminish your circumstances by doing nothing.

LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:
Librans will be grumbling and complaining for the first nineteen days of the month and after that they will be smiling. If there is some hard work that has to be done, get into it and get it done in the first half of the month. Expect mechanical problems and delays. Work through them and the results will be fine!
The Full Moon of Sept 12th will uneventful for you, but probably upsetting for those around you. Be supportive. If you don’t have something positive to say, then don’t say it. The New Moon of Sept 27th will be a powerful and sensitive one for Librans. Powerful insights will be matched by significant disruptions. Don’t try to explain.
Special Focus:
If your birthday falls between Sept. 23 and Sept. 29 then this will be a very upsetting month. You will feel let down. If something falls away, let it go. Don’t put out good energy after bad. Be careful about the company you keep. Stay away from argumentative people. Do not contend! Let go! Let go!

SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:
Life will flow smoothly for the first nineteen days of September, after which your energy will escalate and so will the amount of stress and tension around you. Enjoy the first part of the month and be prepared to work hard for the last ten days. If problems surface, just fix them, don’t sit there complaining. Making sure you are well rested and alert will work in your favour.
The Full Moon of Sept 12th will be a positive one. Go with the flow and enjoy yourself. The New Moon of Sept 27th will be will be uneventful in itself. Problems could occur if you cannot manage your anger or frustration levels.
Special Focus:
Those Scorpios born between Nov. 20 and 22 will continue to feel spacey and confused. You need to keep to yourself and avoid acting on any big dreams or schemes. This is a good month to lie low and keep things to yourself. Silence is golden. You will be gullible and easily tempted. Intoxicants will only increase your confusion.

Sagittarians will be vulnerable to poor choices and a lack of financial discrimination. It will be easy for you to throw away hard earned money this month. You will be very impatient and easily irritated. You will be inclined to blame others for inconveniencing you. This is not a good idea. It would be better to keep your angry thoughts to yourself. Try to keep calm. Things will improve significantly by the end of the month.
The Full Moon of Sept 12th will be a stressful one for Sagittarians. Your timing will be off. Don’t trust your instincts. The New Moon of Sept 27th will be a positive one for Sagittarians. Your charisma and popularity will be high. This is a great day for reaching out and networking.
Special Focus:
Almost all Sagittarians will have difficulties with communications this month. There is a distinct need to be discriminating about what you say and who you say it to. Communications will tend to attract arguments. This is a month when you would be wise to not explain yourself. Keep your comments and ideas to yourself and you won’t have to regret what you have said.

CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:
Capricorns would be wise to avoid forcing issues for the first 19 days of the month. Your patience will be tested. You can expect to run into direct opposition and delays. You will be vulnerable to mechanical problems and speeding tickets. If you maintain a low profile and avoid confrontations then the month will be easier to handle. The adversity will fall away on the nineteenth.
The Full Moon of Sept 12th will be a positive one as long as you can keep your cool and your temper. The New Moon of Sept 27th will be a stressful one for you. Your timing will be off. Don’t trust your instincts.
Special Focus:
If your birthday falls between Dec. 22 and Dec. 27 then this will be an upsetting month. You are supposed to maintain control and silence, but you can also expect let downs from those around you. Don’t express your comments in front of others. You need to be truthful. You are not supposed to sell out! Hold your ground but don’t talk about it or draw attention to yourself.

AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:
September will start out with positive momentum for most Aquarians. Opportunities abound, but there are too many of them. You will be inclined to overreact and exaggerate. You will be on go even if you feel misunderstood. Problems and adversity will start to surface on the 19, with the last 11 days of the month being over-aggressive to your disadvantage. Do what you can for the first three weeks and slow down, relax for the last 11 days of the month.
The Full Moon of Sept 12th will be uneventful. Things will pretty well go the way you want them to. The New Moon of Sept 27th will be a positive one as long as you avoid confrontations and arguments. A little anger management will go along way.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Jan 29th  and 31st  you can expect misunderstandings to surface. You will be inclined to exaggerate the importance of what you think you know. You will be vulnerable to making poor judgments and investments.  Watch and wait! A fool and his or her money will easily be parted.

PISCES: FEB. 19 to MAR. 20:
Your energy level will be good this month, but your satisfaction level will not! Just when things are going smoothly, why mess with them? Don’t sweat the little things and avoid expressing your discontent. If criticism surfaces, move out of the way…. silently! This will be a better month for putting out energy and making things happen, than for trying to collect rewards.
The Full Moon of Sept 12th will bring contradictory energies into play. Your instincts will be strong, your values will not be! The New Moon of Sept 27th will be an uneventful one. Clouds will lift and you will be smiling. Your options will start to improve.

Special Focus:
If you are a Pisces and were born between February 19th and 23 then you will be feeling serious and defensive. Good opportunities are emerging, but they are moving a little slower than you expected. The challenge this month is to be patient. Maintain discipline and you will benefit from it.

Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at  or phone (905) 841-8565, or visit the website at

The RASA School of Astrology is continuing its scholarship program, whereby the full tuition for the four year study program is paid for. Anyone can apply, but special preference will be given to single parents, to those financially challenged or living in isolated areas, or those with special needs.  Fifty-nine full and partial scholarships have just been awarded, and more will be announced on Sept. 23. To apply go to and send in an email from there.

Robin will organize special outings and drum circles to the Forest Woodhenge. Call if you are interested. 905-841-8565.

Every month 3 lucky winners will be chosen from Robin’s email list. The prize this month is a thirty page interpretation of your horoscope. For a chance to win send an email to Robin. Once you are on the list you will be eligible win every month.

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