Wednesday, October 26, 2011

CHANTING HARI OM Newsletter, October 26, 2011

CHANTING HARI OM Newsletter, October 26, 2011

Hari Om,

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      The exact New Moon eclipse occurs on Wednesday, Oct. 26, at 3:57 AM (EDT), (Oct. 26, at 1:27 PM in Gujarat) in the I Ching hexagram “Obstruction”. Included below are the relevant interpretation segments of the hexagram from my ebook The I Ching: The Sequence of Change, An Astrological Perspective. (Can be ordered online at Also available is my new book I Ching: Great Treatise: An Astrological Perspective.

The I Ching hexagram that the New Moon is happening in is: Obstruction.


Zodiac:     00° - 06° Scorpio
Calendar:   Northern Hemisphere: Oct 23 to Oct 29 approx
                   Southern Hemisphere: Apr 20 to Apr 26 approx
House 5:   60° - 54° setting to IC
Time of day:        08:00 to 08:24 PM (Local Mean Time or Sun Dial time)
Aspect:     60° - 54° Waning (Sextile - separating)
Moon Phase:       Waning Crescent Moon Phase (90° - 45°)
                   (7 to 10½ days after the Full Moon).

The abyss above, the mountain below.
Dangerous water on the mountain.
Problems without, patience within.
Obstacles will cause delay.
Worries will cloud the mind and disturb the peace.
Hold to the light within.

Storm on the mountain.
Keep still.
Stay put.
The main challenge is internal.
Negative thoughts, worries and fears cloud up the mind.
Inner peace is disturbed.
Obstacles to meditation.
How to clear the mind?
How to clear the mind?

Difficulties without, tranquility within.
One is criticized for keeping still
But does not respond.
Thoughts are an obstruction to meditation.
Whether positive or negative
They disturb the peace.
One keeps the body still
But the mind does not follow.
Only a person of sincerity and simplicity
Can keep the mind controlled
And maintain inner peace.
Such a person does not speak of others.

The third son to the second son.
The third son waits and watches.
The second son tends to complain.
The third son rests content. The second son is discriminating.
The third son will listen patiently
And may even agree with his brother,
But he will not move into greater difficulties
Without something to gain.
The third son senses trouble and will move away.
The second son will try to enlist his help.
The third son will wait until
His brother offers him something he wants.

Preferences lead to expectations.
Expectations lead to faulty perceptions.
Possessiveness clouds the mind and impairs judgment.
No good will come from anger.
There are chains on one’s heart.
One must keep still and be silent.
The battle is within.


Six in the fourth place: (03° - 04° Scorpio)
Loud voices disturb the peace.
One keeps to oneself
And does not respond.

       The fourth place: 03° - 04° Scorpio:  62. Preponderance of the Small
       A bird on the wing.
       If it flies too high it will invite trouble.
       Words will disturb the peace.
       Choose them wisely.

              Six in the fourth place:
              To be sparing of words is crucial.
              Insincerity will be criticized.
              The essence of teamwork
              Is that one must tolerate the weaknesses of others.

This is the time of year where the amount of darkness is greater than the amount of daylight, and it is increasing. The nights are significantly longer than the days now and it is getting colder. Traditionally, depending on the success of the harvest, one will be able to see how much livestock will have to be slaughtered to meet basic needs in the coming winter. Pressure is increasing to do what is needed for the family and the community. The greater need dictates. Repercussions for avoidance of duty becomes severe. Are you part of the team or not? Keep your complaints to yourself! No one wants to hear them. What is needed is the voice of encouragement.
Discrimination will also be helpful in discerning which voices are worth listening to.
The voice of selfishness will prove to be dangerous and disruptive. The sacrifice of personal energy to the needs of the greater whole around you will generate trust and promote inclusiveness. Together we stand! Divided we fall! Can you respond to proper guidance?
One’s personal desires must be sublimated or kept hidden within. Judgments about others would be counter productive. A little encouragement will go a long way.

This is the Scorpio new moon. Deep personal sensitivities will be aroused. The challenge is anger management. How to keep calm amidst the storm. If negativity is expressed it will increase. If you don’t have something good to say, then don’t say it! Actions follow thoughts. So the need to qualify one’s thoughts becomes important. Do not act out of anger or haste. As obstructions occur, deal with them directly, but do not judge or blame! Just fix what you can!

The horoscope of this Scorpio new moon is an afflicted one filled with misunderstanding. There is a need to pause for a moment to reflect on what is true understanding and what is not. In the hustle and bustle of today’s world, who will slow down to reflect? The enemy is within and not without. The true battle is within!  Within your own thoughts and judgments. May you find a little more peace than you had yesterday. Every positive experience and thought will improve your memories tomorrow. If you can increase the light in your life each day for a month, you can radically transform your understanding and perception of the universe. You can heal most diseases in this same manner.
Also prevalent on this Scorpio new moon will be an abundance of confused priorities and misguided initiatives. Many people will be vigorously chasing their dreams or mirages. Not many will rest content. In times when energy is disoriented and unreliable, it becomes important to maintain self reliance. To act out of deluded guilt or blame will only increase complications and obstructions. Self righteous actions will also be deluded. If you are going to help someone, there is no need to preach to them. It is enough just to have a positive influence and to make a real difference.
If you add alcohol or drugs to these new moon energies, circumstances will easily escalate out of control. If you are at a party and someone else gets hurt, then you are partly responsible! A good way to assess what is appropriate is to ask yourself if it is healing. False promises, help no one. Strive to be sincere. Don’t make promises that you unless you are going to follow through and complete them. Also do not be quick to rely on your expectations of others. Everyone makes mistakes. Not everyone knows how to forgive.

Chanting and prayers are spiritual tools that help us to control and properly focus our minds. Anger and judgement usually take us away from a healing path. Try to fix the obstacles within before you presume to solve the obstacles without. Chanting can be a psychic purifier. It helps one to get past one’s one doubts and fears. It doesn’t hurt others. It is a personal activity, which if it improves yourself, it will also improve the world around you without any need for force.

Hari Om.

Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om,


PS. If you want to read older New Moon newsletters they are on line at look under chanting and then under new moon chanting. is our new site on chanting and meditation. I hope you will check it out.

******* Also a special note: A free scholarship program to pay for studying astrology is being offered. Two people per country will be eligible; in Canada, two per province or territory; in the US, two per state. To find out more go to *******

My new book, “ I Ching: The Great Treatise” is now available as an ebook and . This book presents the roots of the I Ching as astrological and implies the functional use of astrology in what is now China as early as 3,300 BC. The printed book should be available in late October.

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